And, why I suggest you to get PureIt Ultima RO + UV with Oxytube Water Purifier instead?
When we had shifted to a new house last year, one of the major concerns was clean drinking water. We were counting the cash because we had already spent so much on the expensive furniture and our health took a backseat!
We actually calculated if a water purifier was really worth the money. I know it sounds crazy, especially when one is comparing good health and expense. We should have probably compared the hospital bills. When we were considering out water purifier options, I had never thought ro water purifiers in India worth the money. There is almost a 10:1 ratio of water wastage and none of the houses have water recycling mechanisms.
Just for the record, we are still subsisting on the dubious mineral water bottles delivered once or twice a week by the shopkeeper next to my house. Do not make the same mistake! There are so many water-borne diseases alone like cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, Hepatitis B and E, the list goes on.
But, now we are planning to begin a family. And, guess what I found out? Drinking purified water is extremely important for a pregnant lady, not only for herself but also for the baby.
Why is Purified Water so Important for a Pregnant Lady?
Do you remember once I had mentioned how dehydration causes headaches and even cravings? Paradoxical? Yes. Dehydration might be the simplest answer to your woes. Drinking adequate amount of water can help your lose that flab and get rid of the bloat as well. You should intake almost 300-700ml extra water if pregnant or going through postpartum phase.
- Water is useful in maintaining adequate amniotic fluid levels which ensure proper growth of the unborn baby
- Fluoride in water helps in formation of the bones in the foetus
- Adequate water intake can help avoid a C-section
- Water helps your body absorb optimal nutrients from the foods you intake and deliver it to your blood cells from where they are carried to the foetus through the placenta
- Water helps prevent constipation, headaches, swelling, fatigue, hot flashes
Is the Water you are Drinking Safe?
Chemicals present in unpurified water like lead, mercury and arsenic harm the foetus. You say “But, I drink boiled water?”. Boiled water is just not enough today to remove all the impurities. This is where PureIt’s Ultima RO + UV with Oxytube technology comes to our rescue.
PureIt Ultima RO + UV with Oxytube Water Purifier
One of the most aesthetically designed water purifiers of the day, PureIt Ultima RO + UV with Oxytube comes with a sleek black look which blends in with your modern kitchen interiors. The soft touch button which dispenses the water is pleasing as is the blue light which shines through the pure water being dispensed into your glass. The unit has a fluorescent band with an oxytube indicator. The fluorescent band lights up whenever the unit is powered on or dispensing water.
The Water Purifier boasts of a seven step purification process including the reverse osmosis and high intensity UV light. One of the stages of water purification, Stage 6 precisely, adds essential minerals to the purified water. The unit comes with an oxytube which helps to remove chemicals and pesticides from the surfaces of the fruits and vegetables while washing them. It takes around 15 minutes to wash off half a kg of fruits and vegetables at a time. The oxytube band indicator indicates the completion of the purification process.
Is there no water wastage?
Regarding the impure water output, almost 70% of the water is discarded. I have always been a little skeptical about using an RO water purifier for the same reason and I would definitely suggest you to get a separate water tank to store the discarded water which can be used to mop your floor, water the plants, wash the utensils or even flush your toilet. You can use this to set a good example for your to-be born on how to save water!
So, when are you getting your PureIt?
The views expressed here are solely that of the author in his private capacity and in no way represent the views of the company or the brand.
An informative post 🙂 Recently we bought Pure It Classic.
so how did you find the classic?
Hey Swati,it’s been long we have been drinking water from Pure it classic , so now I can say that it’s working great..Here we get hard water, so cant say much about body internal affairs but nowadays am using the filter water as my last hair rinse 😛 Let see if that works too!! Am facing severe hair fall due to hard water here 🙁
oh yes, hard water is an issue. recently i came across this idea of having a water softener installed at the water tank level for an apartment. do not know how much it really helps but the people i heard from said the water quality is a lot better. you can probably search for some such kind of device at a domestic level which is not too expensive and portable so that you can use it anywhere!!
Really? Which brand’s softener you have installed? We reside in a rented apartment,can I install it temporarily?
hey Anamika. I am not sure about it. actually, I heard this thing done in a friend’s apartment!! Guess it might be available for domestic use as well. You will have to check out.
I too had faced the same issue when I had shifted to new home. I understand well how much its necessary to have clean water and I spent on RO purifier without delay…its worth spending!
I have been using Kent water purifier for quite some time. The only problem with it is high maintenance cost; however, I think it is okay as far as I get safe water to drink.