Originally published in April 2018.
This entire journey of finding out what exactly are food cravings and why do we have them is a result of my own cravings which I have been having since a few months. I have been wanting to eat sweets all the time. I either craved for ice creams at the middle of the night or the cakes and sweetmeats during the day or after every meal.
And, curiously, I do not have a sweet tooth. I, in fact, mix my sweets with snacks so as to balance out my palate. And, that made me concerned if I was getting diabetes or suffering from pre-diabetes.
I confirmed the same with my doctor since I am getting treated for my acute folic acid deficiency. He completely denied the assertion that cravings have anything to do with diabetes or pre-diabetes for that matter.
Anyways, getting back to the topic, turns out that it is quite normal to crave any food which stabilizes you emotionally. Hunger and emotions play a huge role in onset of cravings but there is a lot more involved in it. So, let us see why do cravings happen?
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Are you pregnant?
If yes, it is quite prevalent that pregnant women have the craziest food cravings ever! So, moving on.
Hormonal changes and Mensuration
Valid mostly for females, hormones can play quite a role when it comes to moods and likes of a female. And, of course the PMS days and the periods time are equally the same.
Hormonal changes also take place in males but they are quite limited as compared to females so I am not sure how much food cravings do they get because of their hormones.
Now, let me come to a simpler reason why you would get hunger pangs and times. I had long back shared that your hunger could only be the sign that your body needs water, including those times when you need late night snack. So, next time you think you feel hungry or you can taste some mouth watering snack in your brain, try having a glass of water.
Eating Habits
Another reason why we crave food is said to be our eating habits. If we are consistently eating carbohydrate and fat rich food, our body recognizes that as the sole nutritional source. It is said that our body craves only those things which we eat on a continuous basis, hence the need for carbohydrate rich food.
And, if we suddenly change our diet, it is not able to adjust to the change. This can be one of the reason why people are not able to stick to healthy diets.
Where as this point is not valid in a person who eats a well-balanced meal on a consistent basis. Also, I think a well-balanced diet also keeps a person full longer and such people do not crave for foods usually.
Nutritional Deficiency
This is another reason which is touted to be the most valid for any sort of a food craving. Some claim that food cravings are a way your body tells it is deficient in some or the other nutrient. Now, whether this theory is true’ or not is really not proven. Some accept it and few others reject it.
Craving of sugar means your blood sugar levels are low, craving salty foods means you are stressed or your sodium regulation levels are haywire, craving chocolate means you are running low on magnesium, craving cheese or other fatty items might mean you are lacking essential fatty acids in the body. This really sounds improbable actually but then who knows?
Also, there is another type of craving – the one for non-food items like clay, paste, chalk and other things. It is proven that craving for such items means a person is deficient in iron or calcium. And, such cravings are mostly prevalent in kids whose nutritional needs are not being met properly.
Btw, when you are low on energy, have a sweet can immediately perk you up. Now, that is not craving really.
Emotional Health
This is according to me one of the major factors which plays a role in how human needs his food. Binge eating when you are stressed or sad is quite common in most people. Similarly, a stressful period in your life, unhappy relationships, mental trauma, all can make you crave for comfort foods. This point is actually highly related to the psychology which is the next thing I am going to discuss.
So, why do we crave foods? Most of the scientist seem to believe that our food craving tendency is based on how we feel. So, at the time we crave food, our psychological need is more important than a physiological need.
Brain power is focused on imagining the food. The mental image is very vivid and it triggers food cravings. Distraction at that time works best to control the craving.

Physiological Reasons
Sometimes cravings are due to physical needs. For example, if you have worked out a lot or been outside and sweated a lot, your sodium levels become low due to excess of sweating. At this time, you might crave salty foods.
Well, stress can do a lot of things to your body. One of it is that it produces cortisol which in turn affects the adrenal glands which regulate the sodium levels in the body. Since the production of adrenalin is not proper, you might crave salty foods when you are stressed out due to irregular ex sodium levels in the body.
This is just a small research I have done on why we have cravings. If I do find more arguments about cravings, I shall definitely make sure to get back to you with that knowledge!
So, why do you think you get cravings? Has it ever happened to you that you have just craved for water or indulged in emotional eating? Or, have you noticed a pattern in your cravings? Do share your opinions in the comments below!
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