Imagine having a fresh and glowing skin in the sweltering heat! How would you like that? Getting a constantly glowing face is not easy taking into account the varied and extreme weather conditions in India.
For me, personally, sunscreen is a huge factor when I go out in the morning to get that fresh look. You need to apply a lot of amount of sunscreen for proper protection and that does not harmonize with fresh and dewy look.
Although, skin care routine plays a major role as well. Check out few tips for glowing skin.
How to get glowing skin?
Choose Your Products Carefully!
Take time out to analyze your skin. Always remember, skin types changes according to age, weather conditions, lifestyle and diet among many others things. Understand what your skin really needs and feed it products accordingly.
In recent times, I have seen a lot of prejudice against chemical based products. Well, I would not say that organic or natural products are necessarily effective but there is no harm in exploring options when you are looking for a perfect product.