Only last week, Mr. P woke up with acute stomach pain. The pain was so bad that the doctor recommended all the blood and urine tests. They also wanted to make sure it was not a case of stones which is apparently pretty common in summers. The final verdict was a gastritis attack because of eating out.
The lifestyle today has become like that. The office timings, hectic schedules, none of them are helping. The net result is one has to eat out at least one meal a day. The sweltering temperatures are also not helping the body to perform at its best. All of this results in health issues which can get serious if ignored for long.
Making changes in such lifestyle is certainly not easy. The lack of time and motivation and even lack of a measurable metric is a big deterrent. Healthy Living seems a dream unreachable but instead of waiting for an awakening call, it is best to take responsibility for your own health and start today. Small steps go far.
Secrets to Healthy Living
Wake Up Early
If I wake up at 11 in the morning, I know that my entire day is a waste. Whereas, whenever I manage to wake up at 7, I finish so many tasks without getting tired. Even if I do get tired, there is always an option of an afternoon nap or an after breakfast nap!
If you are a night owl, this is definitely not going to be easy. Wake 15 minutes earlier than your normal time. Or, if there is no normal time at which you wake up, try setting it at 8:30 AM or some such time which is comfortable to you. Go to bed at same time everyday and wake up at the same time. Do this for a month before you make changes to your routine.
Ask me about it! I live with it every single day. No, it is not my stress but Mr. P’s which affects me invariably. It is very common for couples or even families to pass on each other’s stress which affects everyone’s health. The hectic schedules take a toll making matters worse if both partners are working! I do not even know how you guys manage to find time for each other.
They say meditation works best in such times. I have no idea, honestly, and I have not tried it. But, it is worth a try. As it would definitely bring changes in various facets of life.
Physical Activity
As a couple, we are both extremely lazy and would rather skip it than make exercising a part of our routines. But, a regular routine has always helped me keep active and light.
You HAVE to work out or play or exercise or do something in a day. If you are not doing, your body gets stiff and sore and all joints start aching, especially after 30. Also, it makes your brain processing slow.
Eating Habits
For me, creating a menu of breakfast, lunch, dinner 24X7 is maddening. It is a constant work. This has given me a better appreciation of all housewives relentless and unappreciated hard work. Hats off to those who do it consistently and creatively. Instead, I find it easy to order out. I know this is a temporary fall back rather than a permanent lifestyle.
Eating out is a big no no. Not only because it is summers but also because it is unhygienic and unhealthy. Once a month treat in a fine-dining restaurant sounds tempting and luxurious but you should make yourself worthy of it!
These are the four important institutions to good health. The funny part is if you notice every single point above is interlinked.
If you get up early, you have more energy and less stress levels. More energy helps with medium physical activity. If you eat better, you have better control on your body and are more active as well.
Cigna TTK ensures that you make change in at least one of the areas which leads to improvement in overall health as all of them are dependent on each other.
I just cannot wake up on time, am such a night owl. It’s the single most challenge in my life right now
haha….so true! my challenge is to eat food properly and cook as well 🙂
yes, for that I usually stock up my fridge. I have a note on the fridge with all the essentials to keep me going for a week, when the supply starts to dwindle, i make sure it’s restocked. that way i also have something on hand at all times to make meals, cheat meals, easy stuff like that. also i find baking the best way to ease out of the chore of cooking…just put all the ingredients in a baking pan, drizzle with seasoning and oil n bake. the end product comes out delicious too 🙂
hey Coral! good point. unfortunately, my oven does not have convection setting but yeah even i try to find more of one pot meals and cheat meals! you should really share your recipes 🙂
YES; These four routine will surely impact your daily life by making it peaceful and healthier.
Surroundings around your home will also impact your health! Air pollution is the most important element of it. Pollution levels will horrifically impact your daily routine. That factor could only be copped by using air purification filters; which remove any kind of dust mites exists around your home.