One of the reader had expressed interest in knowing more about toners, how exactly to use them and how useful they really are. So, I decided to do a post where I put in everything I know about toners since the beginning of my blogging and then I go on to say whether you should use a toner or not?
Toners have long been under debate for their efficacy but now they have finally found place in the skin care routine as the hydrators. Earlier, it was just astringents and rose water but not toners are coming as exfoliants as well. Toners were actually the part of the 10 step Korean skin care routine which have slowly been accepted world wide.
What are different types of Toners?
Astringent toners were recommended for oily or acne prone skin to calm or soothe it and help heal the breakouts. Usually, the active ingredient would be witch hazel.
Rose water is still recommended for all skin types thanks to its soothing and cooling properties. This is more of a traditional toner which has been recommended in India for centuries now.