Not only are fruits great for our skin but some vegetables are fabulous for our skin. So, today, I am going to talk about a new facial recipe which has spinach and mint. Preparing the recipe is very simple and you can use it daily too. Spinach is full of all nutrients and mint makes your skin fresh and dewy.
- If you wan to get fabulous results, take some stems of very fresh spinach and mint. If you have a kitchen garden, you can pick them in the early morning while there is dew on the leaves.
- Mix some honey with the leaves and blend them for a through consistency. For dry skin, you can substitute honey with fresh milk cream. Add the milk cream after blending the leaves. For oily skin, you can use lemon juice or tomato juice.
- The mask would be very watery so make sure apply in appropriate quantities and it will run down your face. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes and wash off with cool water.
- Alternatively, you can pound (or blend) the leaves together and squeeze them to extract the spinach and mint juice. Use a cotton ball to apply the juice on your face or you can mix any clay (or any other) mask using this juice.
- You can make this mask from the leftover spinach which are not usable for cooking purposes.
- Do not store the mask or the juice. Make the mask or juice fresh every time you plan to use it.
I just luv ur blog! I have a prob and i hope u can help me with it. I have a really bumpy skin!I breakout usually and i ve small bumps on my cheeks and forehead which are not pus filled. my cousin wedding is coming up in july. I want to have glowing skin. Im usually constipated.plz help me.
Hi Humaira
Thank You so much.
And regarding your problem, first thing I would advise you is using clay masks regularly on your face. Clay absorbs oil and toxins from the skin. And, drink lots and lots of water. I will stay in touch with you. Do update me about your progress. If you want, you can mail me directly.
I drink lots of water but still i get constipated.I get only multani mitti hr but wen i use it, my skin gets so tight!
Well, I guess you have to change your diet altogether. Stop eating lot of spices, salt and sugar. It should bring some change. And, eat lots and lots of fruits.
For the multani mitti thing, well, clay masks make your skin tight because they absorb all the oil. You can mix the multani mitti with honey, milk or green tea. Try it out today and then tel me how it works. And, one more thing, apply the face pack before you sleep after washing your face at night. Make it before 10:30. And, place cotton balls saturated with chilled raw milk on your eyes while the face mask dries. When you wash off the mask, wipe the eye area or the whole face with the cotton balls nicely. Then, splash face with cold water. And, go to sleep. Do not apply anything on your skin. Initially, your face may feel tight but still resist applying anything on your face. I bet 9 to 1 your face would feel fine by morning. Try it once and then let me know how it goes. Also, watch your face for any small changes too.
Perform the facial exercises I am posting now a days. They would help your skin.
Ya, most important thing, start drinking a glass of warm lemon water in the morning.
One more tip I would give you is to use besan to wash your face instead of using the soap or facewash or whatever you use. It really works. If not everytime, at least make it a point to wash your face with besan every night.
And, avoid putting during these 2 months.
sky u r so sweet! 1st tell me if u r an indian? i will surely buy multani mitti soon and will follow ur tip!i used ur tip of baking soda for hair and my hair turned fab! can i use besan with milk coz besan wid water makes my skin tight!!
ok i just chekd ur profile and found out u r an indian! it’s ok if i’ll use 1 or 2 urdu words! surely u will understand!:)
u know i even plan to do yoga but then lazy me!i ve heard prayanama makes ur skin glow lyk nething!
Yes, I am an Indian 🙂
You can use besan with milk or any other liquid too. I would suggest you to be as innovative as possible. Mix besan with tea, honey, milk, milk cream, white butter (makkhan), buttermilk (chaach), fresh lemon juice, tomato juice, orange juice or any other fruit or vegetable juice which is freshly squeezed. You can change it every day and see what suits your skin beat. Your skin is probably dry so I think milk or milk cream should suit you fine. But, do keep changing.
And, yes, yoga is actually the best. I have written a post on suryanamaskar which is a little strenous exercise but will lift your spirits like no other exercise. And, anuloma viloma is equally good and is easy to do.
But, if you are feeling too lazy, go out in the early morning air and just inhale and exhale the air. Fill the air in your belly instead of the chest. Feel the belly coming out. And, hold your breath till you can. Then, Exhale. Do as many reps as you want because you would not get tired doing it. But, remember, yoga takes time and dedication to show the results. Its not instantaneous. Simple walking in the early morning or evening will also do you good. Make sure that the place is pollution free.
I was writing that you should avoid using heavy makeup in these 2 months which I missed in my earlier post and one more tip which you are not going to like if you love non-veg. Reduce the frequency if you eat it too often. Non-veg has lot of unhealthy fat and is very spicy and it can be one of the reasons for your constipation. Make it once a week if you eat it daily and make it once a month if you eat it weekly. See the results accordingly and you would be surprised.
Yes, I do understand a little bit of urdu. Courtesy, the historical serials and movies 🙂
hey!have u returned?how was ur vacation?I am trying clay masks with milk for the past 2 days!skin feels better but still small bumps!shud Im apply mask by 10 30 even if I sleep late?If I am using besan at nite then which one shud I use first?
I was dying to ask u if gelatin works for removing blackheads?
Please post sumthing about detoxifying diet too but without completely leaving regular food!
hey…yup..m bak….vacation was great…thanx for askin…
regarding ur timing at nite…its fine at any time..wash ur face first wid besan n thn u can follow up with the clay mask….u can also include honey in the clay mask so that your skin doesn feel tight after washin it off…try not to put ny moisturiser on anythin on skin..k.leave it alone…the bumps wud go off gradually…if u feel tight you can follow up wid a drop oil….oil wil nt bring mor bumps surely…don wory bout tht…or u can evn go for milk cream….keep ur skin free from al moisturisers as much as possible lik at nites or if ur stayin at home avoid applyin nythin….
regardin blackheads i hav also heard tht gelatin does help but i donno how….i havn tried it…btw if u wash your face daily with besan…it wil surely help with the blackhead prob…il try to post smthin else too…postin one remedy which my fren suggested…
detox diet is nt my area specifically bt i can suggest smthins…i hope u have followed the lose weight with simple habits series…u can chec thm out in health section…they r imp for skin care too so u can chec thm out…n il surely post smthin regd tht too….btw i wud lik to say tht stayin hungry is nt the best way to detox so i wil deifnitely nt post tht….
gud to hear dat u had a nice vacation!btw where did u go?
Im religiously following ur advise of besan and clay mask and my skin doesnt feel tight as i put milk in clay mask!r u suggesting dat we shud not apply moisturiser? I ve heard dat if we dont it will lead to wrinkles!!!
today u ve made a new fan……my mom!her skin is really suffering these days! I first cleanse her skin with boots cucumber cleansing cream!then applied besan,green tea and mint water mixture on her face!wen she washed it, she was completely in awe by the results.she thought I ve used multani mitti!then i used salt and olive oil scrub and at last the clay mask! I ve saved ur website in her favorites!she has dark circles and wrinkles(many-call it shriveled) under her eyes and she is 43. she was asking u for the remedies.Plz help!I think My whole family will soon be ur fan.
I actually curse my self 4 spending so much on such silly creams and facewash!my neutrogena facewash just stands in its place now!
oh yes do tell me how to make lips pinkish? I hope u will not throw me out of ur blog as I keep on asking so many questions each day!
well..i went to europe….
well, m really grateful that my remedies are workin out for you and your family…even i do spend sometimes on creams…evn though i no it is complete waste…i recently bought lakme strawberry cream…bt it is jst lyin in the closet 🙂
wow…u did quite a routine for ur mom…m sure it is betr thn any parlour facial and obviously hygienic….ya regd wrinkles and dark circles…i have posted a post already…u can have a look here….hope it wil help…il post some in due course….u can also look for the fruit masks in skin care section…thy wil surely help….btw applyin coconut or vitamin E oil every nite is a great way of preventin wrinkles and you can also luk thru the facial exercises in anti-aging section….one can do that and get rid of all kinds of fine lines and wrinkles and they would not be too heavy for your mom too…you can try out for a month and see the results….
and the ques you asked about not applyin moisturizer makes the skin wrinkled is actually not true…i have never applied any cream at nite till today and i donot have shrivelled skin also….wrinkles come when your skin is completely dehydrated and feels tight…ur skin feels good afterwards so it doesn matter…and if ur concerned about it..i tol u already to apply the milk cream (malai)….i hope u simply dont hate it coz it is really good for skin…try it once and your should see for yourself….
n finally….ur lips…i have posted this long ago and i have found it to be the best way to keep your lips pink…you can also make your lip balm customized according to your needs…check this out for a homemade lip balm…
hope i haven’t left anythin out…wil check back and post if anything is left out….take care and thanx a lot for so many praises…it made my day 🙂
Hi there- I av really sensitive skin which is oily and also suffer from blackheads. My brother is gettin married in sept and want to Have clear skin without having to use make up. By washing daily with besan and milk will tht help in my blackheads? Pls help
Using besan with milk will definitely help with the oiliness of your face. Use it at least once in a day or every time you wash your face.
One more thing which you can do to avoid oiliness is mix multani mitti with fresh lemon juice or any citrus fruit juice. It will reduce the oil production in your face. You can apply this mask every night after washing your face.
These remedies will also help you with blackheads.
Hi there-thx for your reply, i washed my face with besan & milk yesterday and i gotta say my skin felt soft. Am using aloe vera moisturse and cleanser in the day and at night am using vicco turmeric which was adv by my sis in law-problem is now i got a few spot come out on my face and they are mostly on the left side. Av stopped using the cleanser and moisturiser and now jus using vicco turmeric… this ok fro my skin? am not rewally able to try a mask cuz i have a naughty 2yr old and its jus IMPOSSIBLE to have a mask on without her trying to touch it. Am but worried now cuz my bro wedding is 3weeks away and the spots are coming tooo…..plz help
Hi Sonvi
Continue using the besan-milk mix for washing your face.
Regarding the spots on your face, you would have to explain me clearly about them.
– When did they start appearing?
– Was there any change in your skin after discontinuing the cleanser and moisturiser usage?
– Which brand were you using (the moisturiser and the cleanser)?
– What is the color and size of these spots?
– Are they still appearing?
If they are still appearing, you can try to discontinue usage of vicco turmeric cream and see if there is any effect.
You might think of applying a mask when your daughter is asleep. Find some time suitable if not at night. And if you can not find time, there is no need to despair. Mix some milk and lemon juice and apply a single layer using cotton ball just 5 minutes prior to your bath and wash it off during your shower. You can do this even any number of times a day.
If you feel vicco turmeric suits you and is not affecting your skin in a bad way, I think you can continue using it. I think vicco turmeric suits oily skin because it has drying texture. You can also use lactocalamine blue not green . It contains clay as its ingredient. I think it will help. Buy a small bottle and give it a try. Andm using lemon juice, besan and milk regularly on face should keep the spots at bay.
Do inform me of the progress.
Hi Sonvi
You can read this article I published sometime back about the calamine lotions. Hope it will help you.
Hi-am using aloe vera cleanser & mosituriser, i think my spots prob came with the cleanser to be honest cuz i got them a day after i 1st used it. My spots are raised red bumps with no heads, not very big-i also have flat red dots again with no head, for eg-a mark left by a spot (hope this makes sense).I used the cleanser couple of days ago and i think tht got me new spots-when i wash my face with besan they spots become very noticible but with the vicco turmeric they do fade a bit. I am tempted to use lemon juice but jus get worried tht cuz my skin is REALLY sensitive i might come out in more spots-but regarding tht can i use bottled lemon juice or does it have to be fresh lemon.
Ya, I understood the kind of spots you are getting. You are correct in thinking cleanser is irritating your skin. And, your skin is really sensitive if it is reacting in that way just to a cleanser. I had meant to ask you that which brand is the cleanser in sense like lakme, ayur, himalaya, etc. The brand is helpful in determining the standard of the product. And, no doubt, you have left using the cleanser and moisturizer. If you think vicco turmeric is fading the spots, you should continue using it. You can try topical application of the lactocalamine lotion on the bumps too.
Washing your face with besan makes them more prominent because your skin gets cleaned well. One more thing while washing your face is do not scrub your skin too hard. Or, rather I would ask you to use milk+lemon juice to clean your face instead of using besan. That is because besan would be slightly more abrasive on skin and since you have red bumps on your face, you have to avoid them from cropping up everywhere. Just mix milk and lemon juice (fresh) and apply to your face for 5 minutes or even two minutes and wash with water. Your face would be squeaky clean just like using a cleanser or soap.
You do not have to worry about using lemon on your face. If you are concerned about the concentration, you can mix a table spoon of water in the mixture to reduce the concentration of lemon juice. Or, if you are so concerned about lemon juice, you can always substitute it with tomato juice or orange juice. They are also equally effective and more gentle than lemon juice and will leave your skin blemish free.
But, do not use bottled lemon water. I am assuming you mean commercial lemon waters available. They are no good nutritionally and topically. Instead, they are full of preservatives which should be avoided at every cost.
Hi-the cream is called ALOE SOOTHING DAY CREAM & ALOE CALMING FACIAL CLEANSER- its from THE BODY SHOP so does not have a brand name-am not sure if u r from the UK or not but i am baseds in UK. I think the tomato juice or orange juice will be gud am jus a bit hesitant in using that at the moment cuz am worried i might come out in spots. i have noticed my spots have calmed down today and are not tht bad as they were. Can i use the orange juice tht normally comes in cartons-i do think tht is pure orange juice but i will double check jus to make sure nothing else is in there….but it wnt make me break out will it? also wht can i use to mositurise my skin? is vicco turmieric gud for that or do i need to use somehting else as well? i would like to add tht ur blog is gr8, r u from UK?
Hi Sonvi
I am from India and than you for your compliment.
Body Shop is actually a famous product so I would not say there is anything wrong with that. But, naturally, the product is not suiting you.
Regarding the usage of orange juice, I would say that you stick to fresh orange juices extracted at home. If you do not have that option, stay with tomato juice only. Do not go for orange juices available in the cartons. They have a lot of preservatives in it and they might cause breakouts on the skin. Instead, I would advise you to avoid consuming such products and go for fresh fruit juices which you can extract yourself. They clean your skin without adding extra chemicals in your body.
And, I am not sure if you have read the latest post “Natural Moisturizers for Oily Skin”. But, frankly, advising about moisturizing oily skin is really difficult. You would have to try the products for yourself and see whether they suit you or not. I can say that you might want to try out some moisturizer which has clay as an ingredient – any calamine lotion too. Just check that ingredient in the products. Or, pick a herbal or natural moisturizer for oily skin.
hi-am gettin engaged in 2weeks and i have a breakout of blackheads!!!!! wht can i use to get rid of them, my friend adv me to use besan mask with turmeric and milk-is tht any gud? how do i apply it?? do i wash it off or scrub it off?? can i use this daily??? plz help!!!
Hi Natasha
The besan mask will do your skin a lot of good and it is very effective in removing black heads also. You can sue it every day. Apply it on your skin and let it stay till it comes to a stage when it is almost dried but not complete. Now, you can wet your fingers a little and start scrubbing the mask. Remove it by scrubbing it off. And, finally, wash off with water. This would help bring a glow also in your skin.
Then, there are many other ways of getting rid of blackheads. I would suggest you to go through this post.
One more thing I can advise you is to try out Oil Cleansing. It is very effective. You can read about it here.
Do not forget to share your experience. And, I would suggest you to keep your face devoid of any make up in these two weeks as much as possible.
Do I need to open my pores before I use the besan mask?
Hey Natasha
It is up to you whether you want to open your pores or not. It is not necessary but if you can take time for steaming your face for 5 minutes, it is fine. But, I would advise you to do it no more than 2 times a week as it can dry your skin. And, do consider trying out oil cleansing. It is extremely beneficial and not drying as steaming your face.
Is tht not do the besan mask x2 a week or steam the face? Am not sure if I can fund castor oil here… Can another oil be used? Thx soo much for replying bak. X
Do not steam your face very often. You can use besan as many time you want. It would never harm your skin.
Use almond oil or coconut oil if you can not find castor oil. Make sure you use pure oils. If going for almond, I would suggest you to find Rogan Badam Shirin. You would get it in any drug store or general store.
I shall try to find any other ways of removing black heads and post them. In meanwhile, I can suggest you this link:
Hi- av been doin the besan mask for 2days nw it’s really gud but my blackheads I think show more…is tht how it shud be? I have sensitive skin so would the oil cleansing be ok for me?? Also I put milk, turmeric and besan together- is tht the right way??
I also noticed this morning tht I got few spots on my forehead tiny pimples- cuz of my sensitive skin is besan not gud??? Am sooooo confused in what to use
Hi Natasha
If you are worried about besan being bad, you can skip using besan for 1-2 days and see if there is any improvement. And, in the meanwhile, you can simply mix milk and turmeric and wash your face with it.
Did you try the steaming method and lemon juice application for removal of blackheads. They would definitely show difference. And, you should also give multani mitti or other clay masks a try.
And, regarding your blackheads, they show more because your skin gets clean. But, I do not understand why besan is not able to remove blackheads.
And, frankly, I think the time is too less to depend only on natural remedies as they take time to show results. I suggest you to go for a facial session at Lakme or Kaya for blackhead removal while continuing the home remedies.
Do tell me about your progress.
And, yes, you can do the oil cleansing for even sensitive skin. Just do it less often like may be once a week or in two weeks.
Hi.there – a while ago I sent u a message about vicco turmeric and how it made me break out-well nothing changed and am quite worried now. Every month for 2/3 days I break out in spots on my face, either small white heads or jus raised bumps. I dnt put anything on my face but still break out. My skin is sooooo sensitive that I jus dnt knw wat will do gud to it. Some days my face is so clear but then it breaks out- I have even stopped using my moisturizer number 7. What can I do……any advice cuz this is really getting me down-I dnt knw if I had any allergy to any of the products in vicco turmeric-I used the one with sandlewood in. Could that have caused it?? But I ain’t used it for monhs now?? Pls help
Hi Sonvi
Nice to hear back from you but sorry to hear about your skin.
I know exactly how you are feeling because I have very sensitive skin. If you are breaking out even now without using anything, it is due to your internal system. Your body is not able to detox properly. Are you getting constipated or mouth ulcers? It is surely not due to vicco turmeric since you stopped using it.
The advice which I can give you for breakouts is to stop eating junk and sugary foods. Even the processed food you get there is not good for you at all. And, drink a glass of lemon water everyday in the morning. Do not add sugar. You can add honey if you get organic honey. This should show some help in a week. Do tell me how it goes and do nto forget to answer my questions.
And, continue using home remedies to clean your face. You can use aloe gel straight from the plant as a moisturizer if you do have one. I think you can get aloe stems from the supermarket there too. Check that out.
Hi,My skin is very sensitive.It get’s prone to spots and milia’s very quickly.Four weeks are left for my engagement,I want a clearer fairer skin.Can I use the besan+milk mask with honey added to it ?.Or whatever you recommend.Thanks.
yes 🙂 also, check the bridal series on the categories page (on top of the blog in the navigation bar).
I used to have a very dry skin but now as I entered my 30s, my skin has suddenly become extremely sensitive and my forehead is ultra oily. it is in a perpetual state of breakout. I have used medication and every sort of home made remedy but nothing helps. breakouts suppress for some time but re emerge. Only fenugreek seeds helped me a bit. i have a thousand marks on my face. what should I do for the pimples and pimple marks. Please help!
use ginger juice and try disprin mask as spot treatments on the face but follow the steps carefully as mentioned in the post: