Teeth are one of the most important parts of a face and they reflect the eating habits of a person. They can make or destroy your personality altogether. It is no good wearing heavy make ups when your basics are not right. And, the health of your teeth comes in the basics. No person can live without smiling or laughing. But, to smile confidently, talk impressively, you need to make some efforts or the result is not worth the glamor displayed. No one really likes yellowed and stained teeth. That is why, so many teeth whitening treatments are in the market and they do sell. But, before you start shelling out your pockets on them, try some home remedies first.
An effective teeth whitening toothpaste: Mixing 3 teaspoons of baking soda mixed with a teaspoon of table salt makes a very effective whitening paste for your teeth. Store the mixture in a jar and brush your teeth and gums twice a week rinsing thoroughly afterwards.
Same effect can be achieved by all citric acid rich foods. Lemon juice can be used as mouth wash sometimes as it removes bad breath. And, simultaneously, helps in cleansing your teeth. But, the acid is highly corrosive on the enamel and makes your teeth very sensitive so make sure you do not use it more than once a month.
rubbing banana peel is very effective for teeth whitening /
oh is it??? thanks for the tip 🙂