I went for waxing some time back like probably in March (not my latest one) and that time, something happened to my skin and I noticed some weird kind of outgrowth on my leg. It seemed to me like an outgrowth of dead cells but I am not exactly sure about it. And, frankly, it was looking too bad on my leg as if I have a disease or something. I asked the girl who attends me regularly and as usual, they are really clueless about anything. I don’t understand why its not compulsory in India that only licensed aestheticians should be employed in big salons where they charge you like a bomb!!!
Anyways, coming back to the topic, I braved on and thought I would use Apple Cider Vinegar on the outgrowth!! I know I am crazy. But, thank God, it wasn’t my face. So, remember never to get face waxing done!! So, I took a cotton and dipped it in ACV and tied it to the outgrowth with the help of a bandage. It stinged very slightly on the skin but I kept it on till my next bath. It does smell foul though, let me warn you. Anyway, the next day, I noticed a significant reduction in the outgrowth and by next day, the outgrowth kinda peeled off and was gone.
And, my legs are back in shape 🙂 This whole recital was just an experience sharing and neither am I recommending it to you nor I advise it ever because you never know what you are suffering from. ACV is highly acidic and that is why it was able to get rid of what I believe were dead cells and don’t ever try such things, especially on the face or delicate skin!!
Well, reading your post reminded me of something, during may or june, I had something similar on the back of my legs, maybe from waxing, though I didn’t use anything, It faded away within a week or so! skin is so unpredictable, especially my face urrrghhhh 🙁
yeah, I do think that waxing does introduce fungus and bacteria into the body which might causes skin reactions 🙁 good that yours was cleared in a week…I was tired to see mine and I really wanted to cut it off.
Hmm okay nice piece of advice actually ….. I always keep in mind to wash my hands and legs before and after waxing and then following uo with ice cube rub…
yeah, I do that but there is always a chance of any bacteria or fungus entry through the tools used during waxing!!!
This happened with me too on my arms. I had used those readymade wax strips by Veet. Anyhoo, I cleaned that area regularly with curd and also applied honey and almond oil on it until it healed. Ever since then, I always apply aloe vera gel or spritz some cold lavender spray on my limbs after waxing. It reduces the chances of bacterial/fungal growths.
oooh that’s nice…I shall also take care of doing that from next time 🙂