The craze of using rice water is catching up very fast. If you have not yet heard of it, rice water is highly beneficial for certain health issues and also in taking care of the skin and hair. Let us first see the health benefits:
- instantly energizes the body due to the high concentration of carbohydrates
- provides instant relief from diarrhea
- has been used successfully to treat gastroenteritis
- prevents cancer
- controls high blood pressure
- helps in preventing Alzheimer’s disease
- reduces the body temperature or internal heat of the body
- prevents constipation
In short, I would say it provides all the health benefits that eating rice would provide. But, more than that, rice water has been used as a face wash and a hair wash.
- Washing your face with rice water makes your skin very soft and it also helps in improving the complexion
- Is a great substitute for toner and firms up your skin
- Helps in reducing the size of the pores on your skin
- Washing your hair with rice water brings shine in the hair and helps to keep it healthy. Follow up with cold water rinse.
- Use rice water as part of your face, body and hair masks and scrubs
- Use rice water for having bath or pour rice water in the tub or bucket
- Powdered rice grains are also used as body scrub and they make your skin extra soft
How to make rice water?
I have read at many places that the water used to wash rice prior to cooking is rice water. But, that is not the actual rice water. You may collect it but it will not give you the full benefits. Instead, you should boil the rice in more water than usual quantity you use so that the rice does not absorb all the water and strain the extra water. This water is the actual rice water which is full of nutritional benefits. You may drink it or let it cool to use as a face wash or a hair wash. You may even garnish it with various spices and herbs. Read this article for step by step instruction on how to cook rice water.
Watch the video to learn how you can use rice water in various ways. But, make sure you cook the rice water the proper way.
hi dear i have a question how often shd we use tis rice water and if we boil the rice it also contain salt as we add salt in the rice is it ok to use such water on yr skin
They say you should only you this technique once a week and I’m not sure about the salt in the water.
oops!!! I didn’t see about the salt part. yes, don’t add salt as it dries out the skin if used on a daily basis. actually, we do boil rice without adding salt.
Hi swati your remedy is helpful im fr hyd join me on facebook Cheers
hi. thanks a lot 🙂
I m using rice water on face actually i m alredy very white now i became very very white
do not add salt while cooking the rice. You add it when u want salt later. One benefit u dont need loads of salt
the curries and other side dishes will add the salt ok bye
Well, the whole point of rice water is to place the RAW RICE into warm/hot water to leave behind all the healthy benefits. At that point, you’d drain the rice water off and THEN you start to add ingredients to your rice, that including the salt. You add anything to your rice while making your rice water.
Delicious Rice water Recipe:
1 Cup rice
1 Cinnamon stick
1/2 Gallon of cold water
put the rice and the cinnamon stick(cut in half)in a bowl with 3cups of water wait for about an hour and put in a blender use a strainer to pour the water in to your 1/2 gallon of cold water so the rice and cinnamon stay on the strainer and not on water,add Sugar to your rice water and enjoy 🙂
sounds good 🙂 will give it a try 🙂
Hi Ibrahim my name , my question is, there is parboiled rice coming from thai and the 1 with local firming. which 1 is the right 1? Thank you.
If you add salt then may be fat increase so you can drink it like a normal water and use like a normal water on face and hair
Hey Fatima
You can use the rice water any number of times you want. There is no limit. And, yes, there is no problem in drinking rice water with salt or using it on skin. But, make sure not to use it on hair because salt is not good for hair.
hi dear thnks for the reply i was wondering whether the starch water we get whn we cook the rice is it safe for the skin
dear i have one more request can u also post something for a perfect make up as u knw its the season of marriages and we all go out so please can v have some articles on tat
i actually want to knw how can u get a glow on the face like the shiny look katrina has i mean wht kind of a bronzer or wht is used to get tat affect thnks in advance
Hi Fatima
I am really sorry but I am not a make up girl so I can really not help you there. There is one link I know which you can follow and get some make up tips:
I hope this helps. And, if I find anything else useful, I’ll surely let you know.
Hi Fatima
I found this on Katrina’s makeup:
Thank you for posting about herbs and natural stuff…God bless you, whoever you are!
Does Brown rice water also works the same or its just the white rice?
Yes, the brown rice water works just as same. The only difference is that the brown rice water is even more nutrient rich than white rice water.
Can you please tell me what rice protein does for your skin? I have seen this in facial products, but have been unable to find any info on it. Is it the same as what you are speaking of?
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.
hey…rice protein makes skin soft, firmer and lightens the skin tone too…so using rice water helps in keeping skin soft….hope this answers your doubt…do get back if you have questions…would love to clarify them 🙂
The video the rice was not boiled. Can you just put the rice in cold water and then drain it.
hey, yes, in the video, the rice is not boiled…I have provided the link for the instructions for boiled water…you can use the drained water too but I am not sure how much it really helps with keeping the skin face clear!!!
hye! diz s 21 yrs old..n i have regular break outs.. so can yo help me out by giving some korean natural home remedies.. thanx in advance! 🙂 🙂
hey Shruti…I am sorry but I can really not help you with Korean remedies coz I am not Korean…but I have posted on acne skin care so you can go through them…hope this helps 🙂
hi dere…Liked ur info…well just wanna know a homemade cleanser nnd one more thing for how many days we can store the boiled rice water..Esha..
hi Esha…I am sorry but I didn’t get the point of homemade cleanser….boiled rice water should ideally be consumed on the same day I suppose..actually you can make it in adequate quantity and if any extra is left, just drink it…it is very nutritious and healthy for intake too 🙂
Hi Swati
I was reading another article on rice water and it said tht the water left after washing the rice has to be used.And yur post says that the water left after cooking the rice has to be used. Please advise
Hi Ariya…welcome to my blog….I have mentioned this point in the post that many people advise that collecting that water is beneficial for skin but actually that water is more of dirty than full of benefits from rice..that’s what I feel and I have drunk the rice water from boiling so I know its a bit different in texture than the water collected from washing rice…so my advise would be to get boiled rice water…hope this helps 🙂
When you use rice-water you have to use the water left over from rinsing the rice. Because it is full of impurities, you should separately boil this water. I have found that if you refrigerate it the product lasts longer. Tip: try adding green tea while boiling and it becomes a great skin-care product ^__^
thanks a lot for such a useful tip 🙂
Love your blog 🙂 found this just a few days before my marriage it was great but if I had known this before It would’ve been just great, my bad luck.. nevertheless…
I found this tip very useful and forced it on my husband too.. He also liked it.. hehe 🙂 I just wanted to know if we can preserve this water?? usually when I cook thr is a lot of rice water left out and i collect everything. Its not possible to use the whole thing. So I was just wondering if it can be refrigerated or preserved in some other way?
thanks a lot Madhuri and welcome to the blog…hope you will keep enjoying it 🙂
yes, you can keep the water I guess…I am not very sure but I don’t think it will get spoiled if refrigerated but not more than 3 days!!!
Yes you are right.. I had kept it outside for several days and what I noticed was that the starchy texture is gone and it becomes just plain thin translucent kind of water.. So it becomes useless for what we actually want to achieve. So use it the same day or maximum the next day not more than that.
oh great, Madhuri…thanks for telling that 🙂 I think it will keep better if refrigerated but no point in not using it immediately!!!
hi… but does having the boiled rice water result in weight gain??
please advice as i was told that if u consume it everyday it results in weight gain.
thanks so much
well…as far as my experience with the rice water, I didn’t notice any weight gain and I had taken rice water for a long time!!! but, may be its possible because it has starch. But, if you take brown rice water, that will not cause any such effects. hope this helps 🙂
hey loved your tip, just one doubt, do we need to wash the face with regular water after washing the face with rice water.
yes, you can 🙂
I have started using rice water, not bolied 😉 & my skin really improved!
wow..that’s great to hear 🙂
great 🙂 glad to be of some help 🙂
it has been working great, omg no brake outs…
Thanks this really works WOW
thanks for the feedback and glad it worked so well for you 🙂
Hi Swati,
I have been following your email thread and will certainly try what you have recommended. Just wanted to clarify when we use either brown/white rice, boiled water as a face wash, can we use our natural cleansers first like Noni soap then use the boiled rice water as a final rinse? Is this how it works? We then follow through with our moisturizer? Or do we just wash our face with rice water and no other cleansers?
Also if I am to drink the water, is there a specific time to drink it, say in the morning, afternoon, before meal, after meal?
you can use it with any product!! and, both brown and white rice water works well. you can drink the rice water also at any time…there is no specific instruction for that as such!!
Hello Swati, which rice will be the most beneficial for skin over 50? Thank you…
any rice would do 🙂
Thank you!
Can i use rice water daily?? Any side effects??
no side effects! you can use it daily!!
What is the better rice for brown spots? How long will the rice water stay fresh and should I put it in the refrigerator?
Thank you.
hi…either of the rice would work equally well 🙂 you can keep it for one day int he refrigerator so its better to make some each time you cook.
Hi very interested in rice water , I suffer with a sever type of colitis and am desperate to find help, recently started using rice water and I am thrilled with the results….I boil the rice for 45 minutes and make enough to store in the fridge in a container the only thing I noticed is that the water gets thicker over time I read that it is safe to keep in fridge ….I also stared using it on my skin and hair , very impressed with the out come..face is really tight! Thank you for all the info you provide…made an old lady very Happy!
I am glad you found it useful 🙂
Hello,I just found out about this so I’m not real sure what I’m doing,how long do you store it in the refrigerator for?and do you put it on your face and just leave it on?thank you
Our Veternarian, who prefers non-pharmaceutical remedies, has recommended it for our Cavalier who has some lung issues (not fully diagnosed yet)….hope it works, it can’t do any harm at least, as some meds are so very hard on dogs’ liver and kidneys
ohk…that’s news 🙂
why is rice water good for the skin and hair ?? what nutrients does it contain ??
i have outlined the health benefits and why it is good for skin and hair. reg the nutrients, mainly it has starch which gets washed off from rice.
hi. I am an Asian, and I came from the Philippines. My family has a distinct blood of Mexican, that’s why we have a fair yellow skin complexion. But, I’m just wondering if how often should I use this kind of method (the rice water), is it okay to use it on a daily basis? Does it also have the same effects if I use it on my arms and legs?
hey…yes, you can use this on a daily basis. its perfectly safe 🙂 yes, i am guessing it should have same effect on arms and legs but using it on those areas is a little difficult but yes you can give it a try 🙂
not convinced by the benefits you stated. although it is used for washing skin and face and to control diarrhea/gastro but could not find any valid references for other benefits such as blood pressure, cancer, alzheimer, instant energy etc.
please write about benefits you have experienced or for which you can cite valid scientific references.
hi…yes, not all of these benefits are not scientifically validated but many people have widely experienced benefits in regular health issues if we do not consider cancer and alzeihmers. and, yes it does give instant energy because it is starch which is carbohydrates.
also i shall try to find valid scientific references! thanks for pointing that out 🙂
hey swati…for how much min we have to keep it applied?
And how many time we got to do this in a day?
Do we have to do this daily?
you can keep this till it dries off. once a day is enough and this can be done daily.
hey swati…for how much min we have to keep it applied?
And how many time we got to do this in a day?
Do we have to do this daily?
i just wanna ask how long can i keep the rice water? cos ive tried this and the rice water starts to be stinky after a few days. 🙁
yes it doesn’t stay for long so make in small batches and use within 3-4 days.
Hi! I am really amazed of this rice water thing… May i ask you, how long can you keep the rice water and should i keep it in a fridge? Thanks 🙂
make this in small batches and use off in 3-4 days 🙂
hi awesome blog. am 22 years old and some what over weight. i got these flabby things nd working on it. can i use rice water to fix my folds on my waist region? like by taking a bath with it?if yes how often shud i use. please recommend. thank u. shailaja
hi shailaja…no, this wouldn’t help with that because it is carbohydrates. i would suggest you to checkout this:
this remedy helps in weight loss as well and check out other posts on weight loss as well:
will it help to grow our hair? it reduces dark circle?
i am not sure if it reduces dark circles. use almond oil instead for dark circles. apply a drop of oil on each area every night before going to sleep. that will surely help.
also, this helps in hair growth a bit. please check the section on more hair growth tips:
Hi.swati, I have heard of rice water being used for generations in asia, and I was not.sure is it.better to boil or not boil the water. Also u suggested almond oil for.dark.circles, how.about upper eyelids because I am starting to see issues on my eyelids, I would appreciate any advice you.give thank you:)
when you make the rice water by boiling the rice, its already clean.
are you getting milia seeds on the eye lids??? generally, it does not break out the skin but if you are then i would suggest you to apply potato juice on the eye area instead of almond oil. let it dry and wash off. follow with moisturizer.
Hi swati, I’ve heard that boiled rice water (the one that you preserve while draining the boiled rice) helps in growing the breasts bigger.. wanted to try it. do you have any idea about it?
oh…i have never really heard it. i don’t think it really happens so go ahead and give it a try 🙂
Hi Swati, I was wondering if boiling some rice flour in water will give the same effect as starch drained from cooked rice? Thanks!
wow…i never really thought this way! i shall ask mom about it and let you know 🙂
is ok to wear make ups after doing this technique?
well, after washing off your face, yes, its fine 🙂
hi, is it ok to wear make ups while doing this technique?
…hello, I accidentally found ur blog just now… I suppose to look for an adobo recipe, wherein ricewater is one of the ingredients…well anyway, im suffering from lupus(sle) it was diagnosed a month ago, and all the complications freaking me out, some of those are severe falling hair, and skin rashes… Is it ok also to use rice water in my hair and ski especially in my face which is starting to have dark skin..
actually i have no idea what condition you are suffering from so i would suggest you take advise from your doc only as to what home remedies you can follow and what you can not because we do not want to risk any reactions!
Can rice water be stored? And would it have the same benefits?
i don’t think it can be stored beyond 2-3 days. i would say its best to have ti fresh.
Hi Swati, Does it work for pregnancy strech marks? If No please suggest something good for stretch marks and flatten the tummy. Also my skin has become very dark during pregnancy. Can i come back to my old complexion and how?
Can I drink rice water if I want to lose weight
Does rice water still have the same benefits if its stored for 2 days and smells weird
What is the pH of rice water?
How about uncooked rice water? Is it still okay to use? The water used to wash the rice grains?:)
Hi, you mentioned organic rice, Im not sure if the rice I use is organic. Its “tolly boy white rice”. Would you still recommend using rice water if someone was unsure about weather it is organic or not? and do you think there might be any problems using non organic rice for water? thanks.
Can I use rice water to treat too much water from vaginer. May good bless you abundantly thanks
thanks for this article. I have just started using cooked rice water. My skin feels terrific
HI just started using the rice water my face is soft hopefully it will tighting it sagging only 50 feeling old
Hi, you said rice water helps in improving complexion.I was just wondering what would be its effects on hair? Coz I already have premature greying. So will it make it worse if I used rice water for hair?
hey. i have no idea how it will react with hair. rice water is basically starch and starch makes clothes hard and stiff so i am guessing it will have the same affect on hair. instead of it, if you want to look for some articles on hair greying, please check this out:
(copy paste the link in the address bar)
Hi,I would like to ask is it better to use the rice water immediately while it is hot or should leave the rice water to cool for awhile before using it?
let it cool for a while before using. too hot might burn the skin.
Wow, that is so interesting am really going to try. Thanks for sharing your experience guys.
please do share!!!
hai iam feeling very happy by seeing feedbackand sucess results i would like to ask a question…
.wen to apply rice water after washing with soap or before washing with soap…and whether to apply boiled water or rice soaked water plz reply me and help me…..and with in how many days we can c change…
great to hear it worked so well for you.
use it on clean skin after washing your face as a last wash. use boiled water. prepare fresh daily or at least once in three days!!
Hi! I want to use boiled rice water in my everyday bath, i want to ask if i can use it as last rinse, or i will leave it for a few minutes in my body and rinse it later with a regular water?
you can rinse with regular water or leave it as it is. mixing in bathing water already allows the skin to absorb a bit of it so no worries there 🙂
I love the effect on my body.thanks.from Nigeria.
glad to know that, Maureen 🙂
I would like to know if rice water works perfectly on dark skin…… I would also like to know if it will not make me lighter (as in light skinned) but brighten and tone my dark skin?
yes, it works on any skin tone 🙂 and, no it does not help lighten the skin tone, it will just make your skin glow!
After you apply rice water to your face, how long do u leave it on your face?
Can we used rice water aftr 2 days???without fridge..
aftr 2 days it gives diffrnt smell…
how long does water last? do i need to use a preservative if i make a lot of it?
Use it fresh every time.
Do I have to pre wash the rice before boiling it? Is this also good to treat acne?
shall I use quick rice water(rice washed water)for face.shall I use daily this water for my it will make any side effects?
very useful blog…..
Wow. ..I wil give it a try….grow nigeria
Very good use ..should I boil the rice an use the water or use the water without it being boil
you could boil the rice or let it stand for half hour or one and then use the water.
May I ask, will rice water thin the skin?
As I wanted to use.