After a very very long time, I came across an interesting product on the block. Well, we all already know that egg is amazing for hair but who knew there was something called Egg Oil. Check out what the website says about their product. So, let us directly check out how I liked the product!!
Other Particulars
- Price: Rs 590 for (extremely expensive!)
- Availability: Online Website
- Packaging: Not really great! Comes in a flip top bottle and I am not really sure if it completely travel-friendly.
- Smell: Ohk, this has to be one of the hugest problems with the product! I hate the smell. No, it is not the egg smell at all!! It is sickly sweet and very artificial. And, even the brand people assured me that they are working on improving it!!
- Texture: The oil looks extremely dense but is not really that dense on touch. And, it is silky to touch. (last pic)
- Usage: It is recommended to be used on scalp.
- Results: Makes the hair extremely soft and leaves the scalp nourished after wash.
- Ingredients: It mentions egg oil, canola oil and fragrance (shown in pic below).

How I use the product?
As I mentioned, I hate the smell. What I recommend is mixing essential oils with it. I did not do that due to the review purposes. But, I highly recommend it. Now that we have this issue out of the way, lets get to how does the product perform!
Regarding ingredient clarification when I asked the brand, this was their reply: Yes Eyova has a mix of egg oil and canola. Egg oil is as high as 80-85%; canola oil is used only to make it easy to apply. Well, I would have loved if it was almond or coconut or even olive oil in its place, though!
The oil has to be applied only on the scalp so I did that and obviously it is too expensive to use on the entire hair length! Well, I have to say that you might go on using this product because it just does not end up getting oily. The product either gets absorbed too quickly or is extremely dry (as in like a dry oil, not the skin dryness).
Well, I would not really comment on the hair growth part as I am not too sure about it. But, if I recollect, I had been facing hair fall issue back in November which seems to have gone away now! So, may be it is due to this product considering I did not do anything else specifically for it!! But, what I love most is that it actually makes the hair roots extremely soft and since the oil is silky to touch, massaging with it feels really soothing on scalp!

My Recommendation
One problem with the product is that it is definitely expensive and one bottle of 50ml would probably last (if used miserly) only 6-8 times!! For me, I would say I need one bottle every month. But, yes, I would definitely recommend the product. It is different than others in the market and definitely worth a try!!
So, what do you think? Would you like to try out this product? Or, are you allergic to eggs? Btw, I have to tell ya that this product is also for the people who are allergic to eggs so yes you can use it! So, do try it out and let me know if you like it.
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