So, if you have read my blogging goals for the current year, you would already know that professional blogging has made my life pretty complicated!! I have lost the focus on blogging by becoming a full time blogger. The focus had shifted to making the blog self-sustainable. And, reading a whole lot about it became just too much for me!
1. Clear Your Mind

2. Work on your Body!
3. Focus on what is important and discard everything else!
Now, I am feeling overwhelmed so let me just practice these three tips for the week and I shall get back to you with new ones sometime next week. And, do not forget to share what do you think of these new series? Looking forward to hearing from you!
Other posts you might have missed:
Blogging Series Vol. 19 – Blogging Goals for #2015!!
Just Gossip Vol. 25 – The Year 2013!
Its Just Life Vol. 3 – Not all things happen for the good!!