It always seems difficult to find time to make all these recipes to maintain yourself regularly. I found a shortcut to maintain my face – I usually create a base by grinding 1/2 cup oats and 1/2 cup milk powder and store it. Then depending on what I have in the fridge – I mix it in this powder base.
To tighten – mix egg whites and honey into 1 tsp powder base and apply on face, wash off after dry.
To moisturize – add avocado and almond oil into 1tsp powder base and apply – wash off after dry.
To absorb oil – mix egg whites and lemon juice into 1tsp powder base – apply, wash off after dry.
To tone and cleanse – mix yogurt and cucumber juice ( when you grate and press, juice can be extracted, no need to grind) in 1 tsp powder base and apply , rinse after dry.
If the paste is too tight I mix rose water or water to it. And the list goes on – anything you find like fresh fruits – I usually go to the ones that need no grinding or preparation. This really works – try it! As we don’t find a lot of time as working moms with kids…anything easy works!!
nice tips..:)
nice tips…will try the egg one soon 🙂
do share how it goes???
oats make a super food/beauty thing for me 🙂
hehe…but oats are damn messy as well 🙁
hii…Swati mam… my age is 25yr. and my skin is oily but very sensitive pimple free but pores on my face ..blackheads on nose and some on cheeks also …plz suggest m some tips ….in winter my skin becomes dry ..I use ice cubes to close my pores bt applying my pores become large and oily after some time