So, yesterday, I was just talking to my mom [She’s on a visit to me] and suddenly, she asks this question that “Why are you not taking the Evion tablets? You have so many of them!!!”. That was how our discussion started. And, she told me that she had taken scores of Evion in 90’s to get rid of her muscle and leg aches. And, they really helped her. So, I thought that would make a good post for everyone to be aware of.
But, before anything, let me be very clear that I am not endorsing Evion or any supplements for that matter. In fact, I am downright against popping scores of pills into your mouth. And, I would never advise anyone to do that unless t has been recommended by a doctor. This post is just for information and not recommendation. And, if you are facing certain same issues, it would do good to increase your Vitamin E intake instead of simply taking the pills.
What is Evion?
Vitamin E dissolves fat and is used for treating diabetes, preventing cancer, treating neurological disorders and also helps with problems related to the heart like hardening of the blood vessels,heart inflammation and other heart diseases. Vitamin E also helps protect skin from effects of sun exposure. It is an anti-oxidant and fights the free radicals getting generated in the body.So, that was about Vitamin E and Evion tablets are Vitamin E supplements which are generally safe for intake but excess of everything is harmful. Excess of Vitamin E reverses all the benefits it provides so it is better to be in moderation.
Food Sources of Vitamin E
That, Vitamin E is really good for the body apart from keeping the skin soft and supple. So, regular intake of Vitamin E in proper doses in a day helps in a healthy body. But, as I have already discouraged intake of supplements, try to fulfill the daily needs of Vitamin E through intake of proper nutrition.
Sources of Vitamin E are all kinds of nuts and beans. Nut butters and oil like peanut butter, sesame butter, almond butter, peanut oil, olive oil, etc. also provide high doses of Vitamin E. Green vegetables, tomatoes and mango are also rich in Vitamin E.I would also like to add that deficiency of Vitamin E is very rare so if you really think that it is happening with you, please always consult a doctor first before taking any kind of supplements. It is not a healthy procedure to fulfill nutritional deficiencies by taking supplements unless your body has some major issue.
Sources of Vitamin E are all kinds of nuts and beans. Nut butters and oil like peanut butter, sesame butter, almond butter, peanut oil, olive oil, etc. also provide high doses of Vitamin E. Green vegetables, tomatoes and mango are also rich in Vitamin E.I would also like to add that deficiency of Vitamin E is very rare so if you really think that it is happening with you, please always consult a doctor first before taking any kind of supplements. It is not a healthy procedure to fulfill nutritional deficiencies by taking supplements unless your body has some major issue.
Do you take Evion?
You Posts are just awesome
oh really??? wow 🙂 will give it a try!!!
how long should i continue
i m doing excercise nd start evoin 600 mg capsuls…is it good for me
yup, its fine but still you should consult a doctor before taking the evion tablets.
I am hypothyroid .I use thxroin 50 tab. I have to trai to getting to benefit of vitamin e tab. it safe to get baby
hi Ayesha. Please note I’m not a doctor so please consult a doctor for this.
my gym trainer told me u should use any advise?
my gym trainer told me u should use evion tablet for good result so any advise sir?
my gym trainer told me u should use any advise?
hi…i would suggest you to consult a doc before taking the tablets. its not good taking supplements without a proper consultation.
hey plz help me.. my gym trainer also told me to take evion and liv 52 wid anabol. is it gud fr me? i hav stone prblm too. any suggestion?
hey. i would suggest to follow up with your doc who is looking into the stone issue of yours. supplements should not be taken without proper prescriptions!!
anabol is a steroid, so it is not at all advisable to any one. It will have a long term side effect. Evion is an wonderful Vit E supplement.
Will evion helps in weight reduction..if it is..cud u plz temme d dosage n how to take..
Will evion 600 helps to reduce weight
no idea! guess exercise is the best way to lose weight.
thank you 🙂
hello everybody i hope u r fine. i have seen all ur comments. drug store adviced me to take evyon 600gram capsule is good for sk
hey Swati,
First of Thank You so much for a very good Post.
I was searching on net for Evion Tablets as my doctor has prescribed to me . I get leg Cramps and for the joints and stronger bones i been told to get this.
I came to know by searching that it is also good for Hair & Skin too.
If you can confirm me that it should be taken in the morning and on empty stomach only or not ?
Khushi 🙂
hi Khushi. its better you ask your doctor only to get the dosage instructions of the tablets. he will tell you how many tablets must be taken everyday and when to take it.
I have been told by my Gym Trainer to use this product along with a Fat Loss product.
As it helps to prevent Muscle Cramps.
As researching about this Evion many people say that they have got Good Results for Skin & Hair.
Good to hear that.
But please help regarding that any one had faced any Side Effects
Can we take it with out any Doctors Advice.
Shiva Kumar
I wnt a glowing skin n nice hair so wud it be helpful if i use evion600mg ny side effect?
Wnt a fairer n glowing skin is evion600 useful?
no, it does not help in fair skin. but, it helps with glowing skin by providing the essential fatty acids required in the body.
My friend used it after his hair transplant … he got good results as well for hair and his skin
great to know!
Hey is Evian vitamin good to get pregnant or to be prepare for pregnancy
please ask your doctor.
Is evion helpful in reducing pimple marks plzz tell
This is dolly and yes..I stay in hyderabad. I have been prescribed to take evion for leg pain.
hi Dolly. yeah, apparently it helps but I would say also get your vitamin B12 and D levels in case problem still persists. good luck 🙂
hi i m 21 year old i was thinking use this tablet so that way i m qtsn for u
This will not have any problem eating
hi Anjali. the tablet is absolutely safe to take but do not take it without doctor’s advice.
How its work in hair fall problem..
hi Vinay. vitamin E necessary to maintain hair growth and shine in the hair. but, before taking tablets, please consult a doctor as to whether it is necessary or not for you.
I am deficient in Vitamin D&E, Suffer a sort of depression, hair fall and stomach problem.
My doctor prescribed Evion and D3 must.
I am deficient in Vitamin D&E, Suffer a sort of depression, hair fall and stomach problem.
My doctor prescribed Evion and D3 must. Some improvement is seeming.
I am 24
Recently I found reducing hairline so I applied evion on my hairline and under eye before going to bed for 2 days when a frnd casually told me it was steroid. So can you please tell me does it have steroid? And also can I use it?
Is evion heplful in reducing pimle marks plzz tell
Is it effective in hairfall and hair regrowth, or not.pls suggest is there any side effect or not.
Is evion LC recommend for cellulitis