This post is specially targeted for females of all ages. I have always loved milk since I was a kid and used to gulp it down within 10 seconds but I like cold milk and detest hot milk. In fact, I am a little uncomfortable with hot foods!!! Yes, garam (warm / hot) roti is good but garam vegetable is a no no for me. I know that some people just can’t take cold or warm food. I prefer warm, of course, not cold!!
Anyway, coming back to the topic, my milk love stayed till I went to hostel at 17 where it definitely got a little hit but still I persevered with Complan. Yes, I am a Complan girl 😀 Then, I moved to Hyderabad and here, I had my first taste os real cow milk and that’s it!! There was my milk love all obscured into a puff of smoke. Why? Because, the real milk is so damn tasty and you can’t bear to drink tetrapacks or packet milk after that. In fact, I hate tetrapacks even more.
And, now, I really really stay away from milk. So, what’s the problem?? Well, as you know women have less tendency to absorb calcium and they need to have good nutrition for good health to carry them through pregnancy and all hormonal changes to the menopause when women literally need calcium supplements. It is a proved fact that people who have taken good calcium intake during their childhood fare better but then, it is also advised not to stop drinking milk altogether!!!
So, I am stuck in a dilemma and though of sharing this with you 🙂 Hope, I didn’t bore you to death with all this rant which is completely unplanned and written in one breath!!!
i don’t like milk on its own so i add stuff to mask its original taste. i have been a complan girl since i was 3 & i still drink the ‘baccho wala drink’.. but i guess its time to move to something like actilife or woman horlicks! i have read that for the body to absorb calcium, vit D is extremely imp otherwise the body deposits some part of the calcium in the arteries which is ofcourse bad…
haha…I was gonna put up a separate post for the nutritional supplements 🙂 I have been a complan gal since i was 6 months old or something 😀 btw, yes, you are right about moving on to horlicks…dad tried actilife but it wasn’t really helpful for him. proteinex is good though!!! and, amway is also pretty famous. and, you know what, I am putting up a post on Vit D too 😀
hi i am also a great milk lover & cant even think without it btw i have been facing huge hairfall for two weeks nd i m really fed up for this reason? can u suggest me something? i applied the onion method but faced hairfall during bath is it normal?
hair fall is generally normal whenever you wash your hair. also, follow this oiling process:
this will help in the long run!!! and, 100-150 hairs falling a day is pretty normal so don’t worry about hairs falling in the shower. also, comb your hair well before going into the shower.
great post.. I also like my milk. The best we get here is Amul tetrapack.. ordinary ones are watered down and all fat removed, its crap. But Swati you should do a post about whether milk is good or harmful for humans. I am sometimes confused cause some nutritionists say drinking milk is really harmful to the body and totally unneeded.
I shall try to do that but its kind of difficult!!! I am not an expert in such things na 🙂
i loveee milk cant tell you how much.. i dont drink tea and coffee.. but i can drink milk in any form.. shakes, horlicks, bournvita or flavoured.. any.. 🙂 🙂
haha…a milk lover, yay!! yes, I like horlicks, complan and those different flavors which come na…yummm 😀
i really think u shd drink it since u are in hyd and u like milk and find it tasty i dnt undstnd y u want to stop. i mean u are doing sumthin which u like and has added health benefits so my suggestion keep drinking milk
yeah I know I should have it but I don’t like the packet milk 🙁 the cow milk is no more available 🙁
I just cannot have milk..I only have tea..and I am so tortured by all should have milk n all..but I cannot..I dont like the taste now at all.. 🙁
I know!!! even I hate its taste now 🙁 and, I know people who can’t stand milk at all. its ok, you can have nutritional supplements instead 🙂
Hi Swati, I too am just like you. I love milk. Never thought I coul actually stop having it but I did. A dermatologist suggested that I stop milk when I went to her for hair fall. She said milk contains cows harmones which messes with yours. After I took a blood test I found that I didn’t have any harmone imbalance just a little high on DHEA. Anyways she told me to quit milk but substitute it with curd for calcium. So I have been having lot of curd since then. But do sip milk sometimes.
yes yaar. actually cows are injected with oestrogen to produce more milk and that along with the milk and that messes up with ours that’s why its advised to drink organic milk!!! but, as far as this theory goes, those things are probably present in all dairy products!!! its not like they breakdown when milk changes to curd!!! not sure, though. btw, did it effect the hair fall??? did you notice any changes???