Yes, this might sound a little weird but its true. Dhaniya (coriander) which is extremely useful in garnishing and which we, literally, sprinkle without really thinking helps in combating hair loss. And, there are scores of ways to ingest this veggie. So, whether you include it as part of your spinach-lettuce drink or banana-honey biotin drink, it will bring no change in taste and add more health.
You would be surprised at the amount of health benefits this supposedly insignificant veggie can provide. To name some, it reduces fever, improves stomach capabilities, lowers blood cholesterol, treats diarrhea and improves menstrual flow. It is rich in proteins, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, iron, water and many more. Including it regularly in the diet provides a complete palate of nutrients into our bodies.
To help with hair loss, you can also infuse your oil with dried coriander seeds. You can also make coriander hair rinse by boiling a bunch of coriander leaves in enough water and cooling it. And, who knew that coriander would be good for pimples, blackheads and dry skin too. At least, I did not. Take a little of coriander juice or fresh coriander leaves and grind it with a pinch of turmeric. Apply it on your pimples or complete face and wash off after it dries. So, now, coriander does not just remain some insignificant bunch of leaves lying around.
Hi.. I have some bald patches. Some will become completely bald i think so. Very interesed in trying out onion juice. Please let me know applying onion juice will helps in regrowth of hair in bald patches.
yes, onion juice helps with bald patches.
Hi Swathi this is Shiva Kumari am loosing hairs too much. So can i apply coriander paste to my hair and if i apply upto what time should i keep it.
Is there any 100% genuine oil for Hair Loss. I have consulted some doctors but no use and i am not satisfied with the doctors.
Please tell me the perfect solution for this problem.
hii use every day castor oil
neat castor oil is very concentrated so it should be mixed with some other oil to dilute it and then you can use it.
Is lime juice harmful for hair
yes, it dies off the scalp and lightens or bleaches the hair color.
Can I use coriander leaves for pimples on my face as my skin is oily……?
yes, you can 🙂
from where cab i get coriander oil/
even i don’t know…never heard of coriander oil!!!
if u r indian then you can get it from any store who sell herbs and oil, it is easily available their and actually works
How do I juice onion?
is this juice helpful to get rid of dull skin???
yes, it does help 🙂
Is castor oil good for hair?
Usually we get two types of castor oil,one is refined and the other one is not(some what black color)
Which castor oil do i use for hair?
oh yes…castor oil is very good but should not be used alone…it should always be diluted with some other oil like almond or sesame or something!!! i have used only the refined one so not sure about the black one which you are talking about. but, the raw is better than refined always so guess you can use that as well.
Thank you for your suggestion.Can i mix it with bhringraj tail?
yes 🙂
hey i have another question is bhringraj tail good for hair?? will it have any side effects??
hey Archana…yes, bhringraj is really good for hair and helps with hair growth but make sure that which ever you are using is the original bhringraj oil with no adulterations 🙂
Hi Thanks for the reply…i use baidyanath mahabhringraj tail.Is this original one?
well, i can’t say but if it is great on your hair, its better to continue using it 🙂
can you tell how to use coriander leaves for dark spots
apply the juice on dark spots!!
coriander (dhaniya) if mixed with rose water or grinded together n put on lips then can be used to reduce darkening of lips
thanks for the tip, Shivangi 🙂
Swati, I read all of the comments.
What do you prefer Coriander juice or Onion Juice for hairs.
I have an extreme oily skin. Please help me save my hairs.
I have already started applying Minoxidil 5%.
If you are comfortable then I would like to take your 5 min on skype.
God bless you
i have personally used onion juice which i totally recommend and i know coriander to be helpful as well but takes a bit of work to get the juice. you can use onion juice…it helps with oily scalp as well.
How would I apply pure Coriander oil to my head? every night before bed?
i donno anything about coriander oil but yes you can use it before going to bed or before washing your hair!
Can you tell me about applying Coriander leaves for hair growth briefly?
make a paste of them and apply on the hair.
which oil is helpful to regrow your hairs ?
hi Rohit….coconut, neelibrigandi, bhringraj, brahmi, all oils are good for hair regrowth!!!
Can we mix that all types of oil…
can you tell me which oil is best for hairgain !!
Hai, Iam loosing my hair drastically because of pollution and stress, can anyone please suggest me the best oil/combination of oil to use to reduce the hairfall and regrowth of hair.My contact number is 09884524064… Please help me on this…
wash your hairs everyday or use hankie or helmet (if you drive) to prevent hair from getting dirty! and, apply neelibrigandi a night before you wash your hair.
hi i just read your blog and found some interesting information thank u for sharing it with us. If u dnt mind so plze go through my blog and let me knw if i need any updates
sure, will check out your blog 🙂
hey.. i have dis dark skin around my mouth and chin can u please provide me with an effective home remedy plzz and is coriander helpful wid dis prblm ?
actually that is due to vitamin and iron deficiency so you should eat balanced food. and, yes, coriander juice might help. can I get coriander juice n how do I apply it on my pimple
you will have to take a bunch of leaves and grind them and then squeeze the pulp to get the juice. use cotton to do the spot treatment on the pimples.
Hey… How can I treat my pimple and oily face with coriander juice.How can I get coriander dhaniya
Where can I get coriander juice
you will have to prepare the juice!
can i mix castor oil to the coriander paste n apply it to my hair?
yes as a mask.
Is it ok to drink coriander juice any time a day ..or any specific time ?
you can drink it any time of the day!
hii..i heard abt this onion juice …can it help for new hai growth..r there any side effectgs…my hair became soo thin..bcz of stress n dandruf does it helps me…at my childhood i had long n thick hair bt dcz of stress n dandruf i lost it gradually…can i use this now…does it really increases regrowth of new hair…
yes, it helps with new hair growth and no, there are no side-effects. it might help with dandruff but no idea about that. there is another method for dandruff though:
yes, it does help in regrowth 🙂
hi swati,
would like to appreciate for the good work and details about coriander. would like to know about the rinse you mentioned about coriander leaves after shampoo. is it tested and shows good results.
Is, dhaniya paste is useful to grow shave.?
how men use coriander with termeric for face, how beard will grow in face?
Hey should the coriander juice be applied on the scalp after applying oil or on the dry scalp directly?
i have dry scalp with dandruff, excessive hairfall, may be due to excessive body heat, can i use coriander leaves? will it help in reducing dandruff and regrowth of the lost hair?
whenever i apply onion and coriander juice it ends up with hair on my hand so should i stop applying it or i don’t need to worry about it, means will it stop after some days or not?
I have trichotillomania due to which i have bald patches in my head ,how to grow hair on these bald patches
i have trichotillomania due to which there is baldness in my head ,how to grpow hair fast?
We can combine coriander and onion paste at a time to hair
IS coriander useful for hair? Because my hair is fall too much. In how many days hair will grow with use of coriander.
Is onion juice change the hair colour ?
please check FAQ’s on onion juice method:
Hii……can u just help me with under eye dark circles….I have oily skin……..
check out this post:
ur blog is very nice….from this. I got new info thank u very much
ur blog is very nice…from this I got new info..thank u
thanks Prachi 🙂
Hi Swati, I have some bald patches and I have tried onion formula but it didnot work for me, so wanna try the coriander one , is it great for stopping hair loss, and regrowing hair, how to apply it , pls suggest, thank you
actually onion juice should have worked but if you are prone to baldness then no remedy would work. you can definitely give coriander one a try!! it helps with stopping hair loss rather than inducing hair growth, though.
grind the coriander and juice it. apply with help of a cotton ball on desired areas.
Thx very much…it gives a lot of hope to women whose hairs r thinking…Thx again..bless you…
i hope it really helps 🙂
I have daily use coriander water for drinking.( min 6 glass) .its for stomach problem.
How can use coriander water to avoiding pimple and dark circle to my dry skin.
apply the juice of coriander on the pimples and let it dry. wash off.
for dark circles, cucumber slices help. cut the slices, freeze them for 10 minutes and apply on your eyes for 10-15 minutes.
is having coriander juice is effective or making the mask ko cariander paste is effective?
you can do both actually 🙂 for the pimples and other things and even for hair mask, coriander mask is good.
is having coriander juice is effective or making the mask ko cariander paste is effective?
I have some very very small black moles around eyes will coriander help in that.
Hi swathi,
My hair is getting thinner day by day and am getting baldness. Can you please let me know what can i do for hair re-growth?
mr rajesh first u stop using chamical shampo & soap
Hi Ananthaya,
I have dandruff also. Can you please let me know what things should i use for my headwash?
or else what natural shampoo can i use?
My daughter is 6 yrs old and she has black patches on her face near to her nose and under eyes and neck pls suggest me some home remedies
Hey I had darkcircle on my eys wht shld I u
which shampoo is best for hair growth?
I will apply twice a day castrol oil onion juice or corinender if its OK for me or not which work fast for my too much baldness
hi swati,
i have baldness,not pronly, but on the stating head,hair are very thin that scalp is showing..please suggest me to regrow my hair.
I have a lot of many dark spots/beauty marks.
How can i come out with them? Please help me::
hi. for the dark spots, you have to apply potato juice and honey on them. let it dry and wash off. and, moisturize your skin very well. also, be diligent with applying sunscreen. it really helps fade dark spots and blemishes in the long run.