I am extremely sorry for not turning up yesterday. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I just could not come online!!
Anyways, I had decided to keep holi free but since I skipped yesterday, I have an activity for you today
Btw, wish you all a very Happy Holi! Hope you are busy enjoying the festival of colors instead of reading the posts here So, lets get on with the activity.
Incorporate Essential Oils
If you are a regular reader, you would already know I am crazy about using essential oils. My first was lavender which I did not really become a fan of but then I went on to try rosemary and some other exotic ones and I am a fan for life. And, since then, I have tried my level best to tell you all how awesome they are. So, this is again one of the my trials.
There are a few essential oils which you must have in your house and they are multi-purpose so you can use them from healing your wounds to cleaning the air in your house! Let us check out which 5 essential oils I think are important to have in the house.
This one rules the roost. Since we are talking about hair care, rosemary is the one EO which stimulates hair follicles and actually helps in hair growth.
Though it helps the oily scalp more but it reduces dandruff and also helps in hair growth.
Tea Tree
This one helps in cleansing your scalp and reducing the dandruff. Also, helps with acne.
This one is not really on my favourites list. But, it helps calm your senses and lulls you to sleep, helps with hair fall and is also said to help with hair growth. It definitely helps with wounds and burns, though!
And, finally, we have
Actually, there is a list of spice essential oils which are amazing for hair growth. But, clove is probably the most easily available. I would also like to include ginger and cinnamon leaf (not bark) but remember that overusing any of the spice essential oils can be irritating for the skin. But, the advantage of spice essential oils are that they stimulate the follicles and improve the blood circulation in the scalp which leads to better hair growth.
So, today’s activity is to at least get one of the these essential oils and infuse them with all of your hair products.
How to use the Essential Oils?
Pour 5-10 drops of any of the above EO in all your hair products like shampoo, conditioner, hair oil, leave-in treatment, hair masks, any DIY’s you do, and then use the products.
You can make your own Essential Oils as well!
This would not be exactly essential oil but definitely cheaper and effective treatment. This is specially easy for all the spices which are easily available in your kitchen. So, take a table spoon of your favourite spice (ginger, clove, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper) either in ground form or you can just use your mortal and pestle and lightly break the spices to release the oils.
Put the spice in a clear bottle and cover with oil (apricot or almond are preferred as they are better at absorbing the plant nutrients) and leave for a week in direct sunlight.
Keep shaking the bottle in between to release the oils.
After a week, your customized EO is ready for use! Remember to make it in small batches and use it within a month.
Btw, since this is not exactly as potent as essential oils, you can use around two table spoons for each of your products. And, you can keep alternating using different spices every time.
So, do try out this fun DIY and I am sure you will love it!
- Tea Tree Oil for Lice and Dandruff {Hair Care}
- Essential Oils for Hair Growth {Hair Care}
- How do I use Essential Oils? {DIY}
Earlier Posts from #OneMonthtoHealthyHair event:
#OneMonthtoHealthyHair – Activity 1 – Hot Oil Treatment
#OneMonthtoHealthyHair – Activity of the Week – 1
#OneMonthofHealthyHair – Activity 2 – Get a Hair Cut!
#OneMonthofHealthyHair – Activity 3 – Go for a Hair Wash!