When I started on this post, I realized that it has been a year exactly since I have done any of the hair or skin diary posts. That officially proves that I have done nothing for my skin or hair in 2016. So, I guess it is a good start to this year with a skin diary post. I have been more or less pretty diligent for the last two months in my skin care and there are a lot of insights to share. So, let me begin.
Sunscreen helps with Blemishes
If you have been a regular reader on the blog for the past few months, you would know that my skin faced a major bad phase last quarter. After that I have been pretty diligent with sunscreen and I have noticed that there is a remarkable reduction in tanning and blemishes on my skin. So, you want to get rid of blemishes or dark spots, sunscreen is the way to go! And, give it time. It might take a month or more to show results depending on your skin type and damage levels.
Also, another tip – combine your sunscreen with a vitamin C serum and your skin is on your way to health.