Originally published in 2019, inactive lifestyle has been a cause for concern. Now, it is undisputed reason for causing both physical health issues and playing a major role in your mental health.

Leading an inactive lifestyle becomes a habit as we age. As we grow older and settle down in life with comfortable jobs, we also get habituated to how we are changing physically. However, it is not a pleasant feeling when you are no longer fitting into your shirts or dresses or when you cannot bend to tie your shoelaces. Not having a regular physical activity in our daily routine affects us both physically and mentally.
According to the WHO, 60 to 85% of people in the world—from both developed and developing countries—lead sedentary lifestyles, making it one of the more serious yet insufficiently addressed public health problems of our time. (Source)
Lack of exercise or any type of physical activity not only causes high blood pressure, cardiac arrests and diabetes but also leads to elevated levels of stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression and, in some cases, even early death. It also leads to loss of focus, lack of attention and concentration along with decreased levels of energy and feeling of lethargy. Incidentally, women and older adults are more prone to lead an inactive lifestyle compared to men.
3 Ways your Inactive Lifestyle is Making you Sick
Gaining Weight
Well, sitting or being a couch potato makes you gain weight and that is no secret. Obesity is a leading disease among inactive people. And, it can lead to worse health problems including cardiac diseases, knee problems, diabetes, etc.
[Read more…] about 3 Alarming Signs Your Inactive Lifestyle is causing Your Health Problems