Republished on 12th September, 2016
Like all working couples, we often get very minimal quality time with each other so we took a weekend off from everything including our house and spent the time in a cozy resort. But, still, it was not the least refreshing for us. That made me think what is wrong with me?
And, then, there was a dawning realization, may be the short vacation we took was really not well-planned which stressed me out! Yes, it was an adhoc event which just happened and I was really happy it happened but I would have been more happy if everything went according to me.
Yes, I know its making me sound like a control freak and probably I am one but this is just an example of what can be wrong with even a simple thing of taking a holiday from our regular life. So, stress can really creep up on to our lives in ways we can NOT imagine. It has really become a part of us now a days.
This makes me soooo happy to say this out loud, “Guys, lose your phone sometimes,let the laptop crash, get sometime for yourself”. And, of course, sad at the same instant because I can not do that whenever I want. No, not because I have a blog to run but because I can not stay away from the blog.
Networking and media is addictive and at the same time stressful just like our day work. The only difference is some of us have the leisure of leaving office work in the office at sometimes where as technology follows us everywhere just like the poster pug of Hutch ads, anyone remembers??
Answering to the constantly pinging whatsapp or BBM messages to checking out the latest status of our friends to texting the boyfriends sweet nothings at night, it has become second nature to sleep with our phones instead of husbands! And, this disturbs not only our sleep pattern but peace of mind. Constant chaos reigns in the mind.
Cluttered House / Desk / Bed / Floor
This has to be on top of my list, honestly. Because, you might not be able to chuck technology but I can but I can NOT live in a mess. An unmade bed, unwashed utensils, an absent maid, sofa covers peeled off, the layer of fine dust which can not be vaccum-ed on the show pieces, everything disturbs me.
And, if all the cleaning falls on to one single person, it is practically impossible for one to manage all of this, even after keeping the office and blog out of the equation. Nah, do not think it means I have THE perfect house! I am lazy and I can sometimes leave a sink of dirty utensils just as it is.
Incomplete Tasks
This one plays on and on in your mind like a tape, at least it does for me. When I have some TO-DO list, I keep on mentally recollecting it unless and until I really start on it and me being the best procrastinator, I can not see a way of getting rid of the list any time sooner.
Not working with a Plan
Whatever you are doing, your office work or blogging or writing a novel or painting, anything which is done without a plan or a goal becomes very frustrating because you do not know what to do next and you do not know what to expect from that work, whatever amount of effort put in.
The Vibrations around You
Well, this is more tricky. The aura surrounding you plays a huge role in what will your reaction be to it. Any big change in life or other’s attitudes or even your own causes a lot of butterfly effect in your lifestyle, even though it might not be apparent immediately.
This is so true….even ringing phone causes stress….
We are so busy with the stressful lifestyle that we don’t pay attention to what our mind and heart wants. Great post 🙂
I too agree with the cluttered desk thing. I can’t work till my desk is perfect. Also vibrations around you play an important part…
Seriously all the above is causing mayhem in my life right now, add to it intolerant and nagging relatives(inlaws/parents), my personal illness(fever long standing), never had hired help and have to do all the cooking, cleaning….God! I am going crazy….and it’s a constant, never-ending circle. everything including me suffers. your post is just showing me danger signs that i need to start dealing with. God! I’m drowning
This is a good blog, pretty helpful.
You listed out most the things mam, they makes our mind busy, busy and busy. With that i think, we forgot to enjoy. We target big things and think, when we achieve that or this, i will be happy and then enjoy. And until that we live in pressure.
My son is 3 years old and daughter is 7 years. They enjoy everything, every small thing, they dance with joy on many small things. When i remember my College and school days, i was like them. But now, i have a list of works and when i work on one thing, think about next and so on and comes under pressure and skip all the enjoyable small things.
Sometimes i feel, i am running in dark with big goals without satisfaction and just running. haha not at all happy with that. I think, i need a month or two vacation 😀