Republished on 10th October, 2016
So, again a fun time 🙂 Yup, I know we are all lazy bums (except those who are really active all day long, kudos to you) who totally love sleeping!! So, what has been happening recently is that my sleeping time is getting stretched way beyond the permissible limits of 8 AM and I am getting late to work every day!!! No, I am not sleeping late either. I am going to bed by 11:45 PM at max. And, whenever I get up before 9 AM, I have a hang over and feel sleepy and tired everyday.
Generally, everyone’s bodies have their own sleep requirements and need respective hours of sleep everyday. Mine is generally 8-9 hours a day and if I sleep later than 11, I tend to sleep more. If I sleep at 9 (sometimes I have to when I get headaches), I am awake by 2 AM which is extremely inconvenient. Also, I prefer not to sleep in the evenings coz it gives me really weird dreams and the night time is entirely screwed. So, I prefer not to stay up late.
Btw, did you know sleeping more has many repercussions on our physical and mental health.
- You get fatter
- You get lazier
- Your metabolism goes for a toss
- You feel aimless and without a purpose
- You tend to get more depressed and stressed
There are just so many reasons for not sleeping into the late hours of the day. I feel best when I wake up to the early morning sun. Oh btw, getting up early would give you more time to get your vitamin D safely as well.
So, how long do you like to sleep? What’s the minimum time your body needs to rest to wake up fresh?
Related Posts on Sleep:
How to get undisturbed beauty sleep of 7-10 hours?
Why should you take proper sleep?
Sleep more to lose weight
Ah sleep! I could sleep for a few centuries if left alone. But that is not to be :-P. Found your blog today when I was searching for remedies to stop hair fall. Loved your blog…its an ocean of information! So I have added your blog to my blogroll :-). Btw, my name is Swati too.
hehe…thanks Swati…bt, loved your snaps and left a comment on the first post…would love your help 🙂
Replied to you there! :-)))
No matter when I sleep, be it 10 pm or 1 am, I cant seem to sleep beyond 8:00 am..I think my body’s internal alarm is set to this time. Even on weekends, when I really want to have a lie-in, I am not able to:(
But I feel tired then on those days when I sleep late after watching Grey’s anatomy or reading a book.
Sleeping late is bad.I know! But certain nights, I just can’t sleep. Have like a million things running in my head. The radio comes to my rescue those nights:)
me too can’t sleep early!!! i tend to stay awake till 1 by the time I am so tired that I fall asleep automatically but if i go to bed at 10 or 11, i keep tossing and turning till 2 or 3 🙁
I usually take 8 hours of sleep but on sundays i sleep from 12am to 12pm 🙂
wow, lucky you 🙂 my maid comes n disturbs me 🙁
my sleep depends on the kind of dreams i get. if they are calm n peaceful,then i feel fresh even after 4hrs of sleep & if the dreams are the active kind then i feel tired even after sleeping for 8+ hrs.
oh yes, dreams are so irritating sometimes!!! me too get bothered by dreams a lot. in fact ws already putting up a post on dreams 😀
ha ha…like the first cartoon…
I need 7 to 8 hours of sleep…
hehe…me to need 9-10 hrs!!!
OH MY GOD!!! You are my soul sister when it comes to sleep timings. Mine is exactly the way you have described yours!! how can this beeeeee. i need 9 hrs to feel great.I do exactly the same- if I sleep early I end up waking at 2am and hungry too!!
Have you done anything that has helped waking up around 6am…any routine that works for you ?
haha…yup I am also hungry then 😀 even yesterday i couldn’t sleep so had dairy milk with roasted almonds at night!!!
nope yaar, its damn impossible for me to get up before 8 and even then i feel very sleepy and tired 🙁
I definitely need 8-10 hours, otherwise I feel tired & sick all day, but there are some people I know who just need 6 hours & you would still find them active. The second pic is funny!
yup, some people can go on very less sleep…donno how!!!
hehe…that possibility might not be really far 😀 😀
I usually go to bed @ 11.30 p.m and get up @ 7.30a.m. If i sleep one hour late then i can wake up only after 8.30a.m. Even if i sleep earlier my usual time to get up is 7.30am only.. So i think my body needs more than 7 hrs sleep a day 🙂
wow…at least you have a set routine…I am an insomnia patient and i hardly get sleep before 1-2 🙁
I usually try to sleep by 11pm ( I’ll admit it’s not an easy thing to achieve…..)because I know if I don’t, I would look like hell the next morning. And it’s not just getting that eight hours of sleep, it’s about getting to bed at the right time and having quality sleep.
However, I have one major motivation that will immediately send me scrambling for my bed in no time and that is, skin cell regeneration almost doubles at night, peaking between 23:00 and 4:00.. skin cell regeneration almost doubles at night etc SERIOUSLY, I find myself looking the best when I can hit the sack by 11pm.
hehe…good that skin is at least a motivation for you….I am just not able to sleep early at night even though I would love to go to bed by 10- 11 and get up by 6!!! yup, one does look awesome when they get good sleep and yes, its more about quality sleep and energy in the body instead of anything else.
i can do all kinds of sleep…long and short..found tht a brisk evening or night walk 4 half hour rly mks u slp fast.
y dnt u try reading boring novels?also play music very low (not headphones) so tht u cant make out lyrics.its boring n makes u sleep..dnt hav coffee tea or chocolates before bed.m guilty of chocolates in bed bt i hv v little. lavender eo is also relaxing n works for me.
hmmmm….haha, boring novels, i totally can’t digest 😀 can’t listen to music…it wreaks havoc in my brain!!! yup, no coffee generally but chocolates i had a few days back but not generally and lavender also doesn’t work for me 🙁
I have a sleeping disorder since my childhood. But when I sleep well and for long hours, I bloat less and actually remain more fit and slimmer.
I get to sleep any time from 6 hours to 7 hours and it suffices if I sleep deeply, that is, I can sleep for 6 hours and feel completely energized or sleep the same hours and still feel extremely fatigued.
If I could, I would sleep an entire day, but my body doesn’t allow it.
actually I think for everyone 6-7 hours is enough. it differs on what we do before sleeping that decides how well we sleep. getting rid of technology is so important. and, if we sleep enough, i think our body itself does not allow us to sleep more than that. for me, sunlight wakes me up. it really works.
I need at least eight hours of sleep but God if I had the time I could sleep for ages! 🙂 On the other hand, I know that sleeping for too long is unhealthy so I try to balance between working hours and resting hours.