Dieting is not recommended to lose weight, as you all are well aware. Why? Dieting makes tissues and muscles weak and makes the body weak internally. So, the right thing is to exercise to cut down the calories. But, before that, there is another step which you should add another habit to your routine – healthy diet.
- Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily. You can go for more too.
- Eat dinner 3-4 hours before you sleep. And, keep the dinner extremely light. And, no carbohydrates in the dinner.
- Replace butter and mayonnaise with mint chutney. Its more yummy and delicious and gives a flavor to your snacks.
- Drink tomato, amla (Indian gooseberry), ginger or spinach juices.
- Sesame seeds and dry fruits and nuts are recommended in the daily diet but don’t over do them.
- Coconut water, lemon juice, vegetable soups, kabuli chana soup, buttermilk, ice tea without sugar, lemon mint juice are some of the drinks which will fulfill your need of liquids.
These tips will help in controlling your weight and do not resort to dieting for weight problems. Constipation, acidity, hormonal problems, dark circles, aging skin, memory loss are some of the aftereffects of dieting. So, think before you resort to dieting.
my two cents as a medical student and diet enthusiast…
1.3 lit water
2.5 cups green tea without sugar
3.6 little meals throughout the day witin gap of 2 hrs
4.never eat after 6 pm sodas
6.always eat fruits in the mornings and veggies in evenings(no fruits in evenings)
hey Pavani…your tips are awesome!!! but, I have doubt about one of them: never eat after 6 pm. I mean you can’t starve yourself for around 12 hours????? as far as I know, you shouldn’t eat sugar and carbohydrates after 5 and I think fruits can be had at night also but may be we can avoid sweeter fruits as they can cause insulin levels to rise at night…that might be the reason!!! any views????
u shud have ur last meal before 6 pm bacause the process of digestion is extremely slow and anything taken has a higher chance to be converted to fat…we can have
1babytomatoes,carrots,cucumbers,beans all either boiled or raw
2.a glass of warm milk
3.handful of nuts
dont take fruits because all the fructose n sugars present in fruits will not be properly absorbed in this time n this leads their complete conversion into fats..
wats ur diet like???
ok!!! aaahhhhh….don’t ask about my diet!!! its horrible 😀 either I eat too much or too little!!! trying to improve 🙂