Ok, so, everyone, I need opinions from you as to which is a perfect foundation brush and even powder brush. Pocket friendly but good products are more welcome. I did check out TBS powder brush but it costs like 1100 and I was like :/ So, please give your suggestions and also where those products might be available?? I have heard a lot about EcoTools. Where are they available?? Online??
PS: No, I didn’t go MIA. In fact, the internet went MIA! And, seriously, I don’t know how to treat these two days of silence – I had fun without having the pressure of putting up a post and this affected my routine of writing post in a drastic sense so its feeling really weird writing the post right now 😀
my net was mia over the weekend too and it drived me insane! ecotools can be bought from buyincoins.com
oh great!!! seems like fiber links are being cut everywhere 😀 oh, is it??? checking out the site right away!!
please please buy only a stipping brush – they are a gr8 investment as u will never repurchase. try vega or kryolan stipping brush if u r in budget
swati, stippling brush is much better dan foundation brush. foundation brush can be used just for foundation bt stippling brush can be used for foundation as well as powder brush.u can also google.
As S&B mentioned, Kryolan is the best. Its a Professional range. Stippling brush gives a natural finish to ur foundation.
Infact, im also luking for stippling brush and vl buy from Kryolan 🙂
S&B, you will have to really teach me what’s a stippling brush and how is it different from a foundation one!!
thanks Vanu…btw, where is this Kryolan available???
Swati, u can google dis link http://www.kryolan.in/contactus.html
otherwise, kryolan has opened a flagship store in Delhi too
I shall definitely check it out next time I am in Delhi 🙂
You can use a flat top foundation brush, the apt name is “stippling brush”, Sigma has a good one else you can try CS foundation brush. ELF also has some budget brushes…
yeah, heard a lot about Sigma but I wanted something which I could buy in Indian rupees!!! with the exchange rate right now, I am kinda mi
acting miserly 😀
swati do check the brushes in Buyincoins they have ecotools brushes collection ..
sure, Divya…will check it 🙂