Okay, so my biggest pet peeve has to be that how easily we ignore our responsibility to contribute to the society and the environment! Charity begins at home and that’s the same rule for natural resource conservation. Let me talk about water today and I should be the last person to talk about electricity usage so I would not do that.
Let us take an honest look around our house and calculate how much water we could recycle if we make a little conscious effort.
I conducted an experiment to prove my point. The idea was inspired by one of my neighbors but the thought stayed with me. So, for the past couple of months, I have made a conscious effort to collect the water we use to wash vegetables or while cooking and even the RO’s waste.
I started with using the non-RO water to water my plants but I stopped doing that because I ended up collecting all that water but did not have so many plants to water. So, I decided to instead utilize the collected water in bathrooms. And, surprisingly I did not have to use the flush at all.
Collect all the water you use for cooking food and the RO waste.
Yes, it is a chore to carry bucket after bucket from kitchen to bathrooms. And, yes, this works better when the entire family is devoted to the task. However, collective effort or not, you can easily witness how much of water can be recycled. In fact, I went as far as collecting the water when I was washing my hands. Yes, you would be surprised how much water we waste in simply washing our hands.
Grey Water Recycling is the need of the hour.
People living in independent houses have so much control to recycle the water. You can simply direct all the waste water to refill the water table instead of letting it go to drain. This also includes the water drained from washing machines and dish washers, if you have any. Grey water recycling is a sustainable alternative to save water without much effort.
I also feel this would be a valuable learning for kids. I am not a parent yet. However, I look forward to the time when I would teach and share all this with my kids. Saving water, personal finance, gardening and taking care of plants are some of my personal subjects I would educate them on.
Have you made any efforts towards saving water? I would love to hear your methods and alternates on how to save water. Do you inculcate the same in your kids?
Till then, Swathy!
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