Apple cider vinegar contains valuable minerals such as Phosphorus, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, and Chlorine. It also contains Sulfur, Copper, Silicon, Fluorine, Provitamin beta-carotene, Pectin and malic acid. (Source: Wikipedia)
Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
- Weight Loss – It suppresses the fat accumulation in the body especially around the tummy
- Skin – It prevents against breakouts and acts as an anti-inflammatory
- Improves immune system
- Controls the cholesterol levels
- Increases the stamina
- Increases metabolism
- Improves digestion
- Prevents stone formations in the body
These are just a subset of the health benefits which can be acquired from drinking Apple Cider Vinegar regularly. You will get plethora of results when you google it so I have just summarized a few here.
Risks of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
- Acetic Acid (present in any vinegar; ACV has high concentration of acetic acid) can lower potassium levels in the body and reduces the bone density making the bones weaker in the process
- Since ACV has high acidity, it shouldn’t be taken raw
How to drink Apple Cider Vinegar??
The above mentioned risks are associated with intaking of ACVย on a regular basis for a very long time. Thus, keeping this in mind, I had advised to intake ACV during breakouts and dilute only a tablespoon of ACV per day in a liter of water.
To reap the benefits of ACV, drink ACV only once in three days (when not facing breakouts; during breakouts make it once a day) diluting only a tablespoon of ACV in a liter of water. This is safe and would give the amazing benefits of ACV.
P.S.1: Happy April Fools Day!!! Sorry for the belated wish. In fact, I had totally forgottenย about it. So, how many of you got fooled today???? Do share your amusing experiences ๐
P.S.2: Finally, the world cup is here. So, lets hope India wins!!! All the best guys ๐