Or, may be they do. Only we are too short-sighted to understand the play of universe!! Well, ok, I am going to be a little morbid on the second last day of the year. For tomorrow, I am reserving a personal post – the highs and lows of this year!! But, before that I wanted to talk about an unfortunate event that took place in my friend’s life!!
Well, few months back, I think I did talk about my friend’s fear of the baby’s heart not being audible! The same friend had to undergo a C-section last Sunday due to some viral infection and increase in platelet count. And, she had just entered the seventh month or probably in the middle of it. So, the baby was really tiny and was kept in the incubator but unfortunately he could not survive beyond a week.
How awful it can be is something which I can not even begin to fathom. In fact, this was quite a turn in my life coz I never really had to go to give condolences to anyone, not even my mom and dad for that matter when their loved ones passed away. Till date, I have been really affected only by two deaths – one is my grandfather’s and later one of my friend’s mom passed away due to cancer!!
And, coming back to the topic of my friend’s loss, when I conveyed this message to one of our colleagues who is an elder person, what she said was something very profound. She said whatever happened, it happened for the good. My friend was not really ready and the baby came unexpectedly and there are too many problems in her life to have a baby at her hands. In a way if I am look at the circumstances, this might be right as well but somehow you can never really console yourself to the bereavement of a life!! Who said everything happens for the good?
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So sorry to hear about the sad news…. News like this disturbs me alot.. I feel irritated , moody and becomes offline from this world even if I am at office. But there is no other choice with us than to feel sad , sorry and disheartened. With time , we grow the strength within us and move on. Life is like that isnt ?
Am sorry 2 hear abt your friends loss..Hope she finds the strength to get over this tough time…
Ur ryt Not all things happen for the good.. In real life its nvr like “And they lived happily evr after”
That’s truly awful! I wish your friend health and peace in this tough time.
At times like this, I feel inadequately prepared, like no amount of education can prepare you to say something, offer condolences that don’t seem hollow. The only thing I’ve said is I’m truly sorry for your loss. What do you say?
That’s truly sad! I wish your friend health and peace in this tough time. So sorry <3