15th September which was day before yesterday was the pro-green day. Ok, I don’t really need a particular day to become environmentally conscious but it is always good to have days. That reminds me when is the daughters day?
So, for this Pro-Green day, The Nature’s Co. has started an initiative called the Pro-Green Oath. They are distributing saplings and seeds at their stores and providing discount on the return of the empty containers just like Lush does. But, the main is the Oath.
Every person is supposed to take a environment friendly oath, something very simple and doable like using lesser water or staying without air-conditioning for an hour extra everyday. And, this oath has to be fulfilled till the last date of competition zealously and the best part is you have to pass on the oath. The same oath or a little different would be taken on by the next person in the chain.
Also, to encourage participation, the brand has planned to give out goodies to everyone involved in the process. And, here comes the best part, the bloggers have been given an opportunity to launch a contest sort of a thing. All the bloggers involved would be writing an oath and passing it on. And, the readers should take and pass it on. The longest chain which is built is going to win the contest. Isn’t it a cool way to promote the green initiative?
I am all up for it!! Are you with me? And, don’t forget, everyone involved gets the goodies 🙂 And, I have got some news as well!! Lets keep the curiosity alive for some days 😀
Image Courtesy: greenhomebuilding.com
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Yes, Great initiative..let’s start:)
sure Shru, I will do it as soon as i receive the oath scroll!!