I had posted an article on hair oil which stimulates faster hair growth sometime back. Today, I would like to share yet another recipe of hair oil which also makes our hair grow fast. It is easy to make and the process is also not elaborate. The best thing about this recipe is that all ingredients are available in dry form so you can start right away without any preliminary preparations.
– 1 table spoon black pepper seeds
– 1 table spoon fenugreek seeds
– 1 table spoon fennel seeds
– 1 table spoon sesame seeds (white or black)
– 1 table spoon dried ginger powder (available in general stores or you can dry a ginger root at home too)
Pour oil in a cup and place a cheese cloth in it. Place the seeds and powder in the cheese cloth and tie it on the top so that it remains in a standing position instead of dropping into the oil. Now, infuse these ingredients in the oil.
This recipe is very powerful and shows immediate results.
Can you please clarify some points. i.e which oil coconut or olive oil to be used. you said place cheese cloth and add these ingredients. so that means the cheese cloth should not dip into oil. how do we infuse the ingredients in oil. sorry for silly question but will be greatful if you reply
hey..not silly questions 🙂 if you just read the above post, there are no instructions 😀 the instructions to how to go about infusion is given in the link I have pointed. its the text in red. I will update the post and underline the link so its easy 🙂
also, you should use coconut or sesame oil…I a not a fan of olive oil at all but whatever you use make sure the bottle has words ‘cold-pressed’, ‘extra-virgin’, ‘organic’…hope this helps 🙂
thanks for the reply. will try this one and revert back. about the link i had tried it but there was no mention of how to infuse.it only mentioned about hair rinses
no, the links are working properly..just checked them..I am pasting the one which is relevant 🙂
hope this helps and do let me know if you get any doubt.
i want to try this oil. i will use keeping it in the sun for a week to infuse the herbs to oil. can i powder all the herbs and then infuse it. how long can i keep this oil (weeks or month) and how many times do i use it (once or twice a week).
hey Megha…yes, sun infusion is best….do keep shaking the bottle and keep in direct sunlight!!! the oil stays for long….it doesn’t go rancid or anything so just make sure you use only dry herbs….I would say use this oil every time you wash your hair. even an hour is enough!!! actually, more than oiling, the whole thing is in the way of oiling the product…already planning a post on that 🙂
you can powder the herbs too but it might get difficult to filter it…or, you can just let the herbs or the powder stay in the oil only and not filter it…that will also be fine. hope I was clear 🙂
thanks for the reply. will definitely try this out.
do let me know how it goes 🙂