Motherhood is a divine emotion. It’s obviously a good news to know that you are going to be a mother but one has to be more responsible and caring coz your body is going to face drastic changes and you have a new life inside. Pregnancy starts with the feeling of nausea and morning sickness for almost all the pregnant women. Today I am sharing my own experience of the first trimester and how I managed them.
- As soon as you wake up in the morning, eat something. Don’t keep yourself starving.
- If you have a habit to start your day with tea, change it now. Either skip it or add some toast or biscuits with it and even ginger tea can help you but my mom used to say take ginger tea only in colder climate so I avoid it in the summers.
- It’ll be great if you take an apple early morning and even before going to bed coz this will help clean your stomach and keeps you energetic.
- Citrus fruits are a great help in feeling of nausea. I always used to eat or chew lemon or orange slices whenever I felt nausea.
- Place potato chips or crackers near your bed so that whenever u feel hungry, you can eat them. This can suppress vomit but remember excess of anything is harmful, so just take few bites.
- Try to get up during night to eat something so that u may not feel too sick and weak in the morning.
- Stay way from strong smells.
- Don’t starve at all.
- Stay away from spicy food, colas and caffeine.
- Don’t get over-tired.
- Stay away from stress.