I have always felt that neck lines can’t be got rid of except for doing face exercises daily and keeping the neck straight so that there is no crease. But, sometime back, I used almond oil for moisturizing my face and neck and observed that my neck lines were gone in probably 3-4 days. So, if you have the same problem you could give the almond oil a try!!! If you are afraid that the oil might break you out, then you could try using the oil only on the neck. I had been using the Rogan Badam oil which I had talked about quite a long back.
Fantastic tip! I’m also a little worried about neck lines. Will try this & let you know.
hey how are you…i love almond oil..i use pure almond oil on face and neck..i don’t see much of a result except it makes your skin super soft but i’m sure it has long term benefits…
@Poohkie do lemme know how it works out 🙂
@softie me fine…oh I saw that neck lines were gone…you didn’t see any reduction in your neck lines???
maybe i’m not applying enough or not massaging properly..
do try upward massage movement for neck…that might help!!!
Does it help remove the dark lines on the neck?
yes, it does 🙂
I cringed at my crepey neck when I turned sixty last year. I bought the Made from Earth Olive Night Cream for my eye’s bags and got decent results – nothing major. On a lark, I decided to try the Olive Night Cream on my neck. BOY OH BOY! The results were startling! I just applied a thin layer of it and kept my neck upright while it dried. It doesnt firm up your neck unfortunately, but it sure lessens the crepey look!