Are you over-weight, not leading a healthy lifestyle, hungrier than usual, grumpier, tired all the time, feel the urge to pass water every half hour. Your colleague confides he had the same symptoms and got tested positive for diabetes. You get worried, go and get screened, results are negative for every possible test you got done and you feel elated and relieved.
The lack of healthy lifestyle is making health problems more prevalent in the society. Almost 1 in 3 people suffer from obesity-related problems. 70% Indians are prone to diabetes. Cancer has become a household name. Acidity and bloating are common problems everyone is dealing with. Not all health issues can be handled only through the health insurance. Some just need healthy lifestyle.
How can you have a healthy lifestyle?
#1. Get up Early
For ages, people have been advised to rise before the crack of dawn. The circadian rhythm helps the body to perform its best. It helps reset your body clock in sync with nature.
You are more energized and enthusiastic to take on the day. Your body feels light, you get more time for yourself, and you feel happier than the days you sleep in late.
The key is to stick to this routine even on the weekends and make it an ingrained habit rather than a chore.
To start, try waking up 15 minutes earlier than your usual time or if you do not have a usual time, a good start would be to work out a time for bed and time for rise, which will not interfere with variable lifestyle and give you enough sleep.
Once you have a routine, you can start waking 15 minutes earlier till it becomes a habit. And slowly change this routine again till you can get up at a time which is early as well as comfortable for you.
#2. Move a Bit
You like to be a couch potato, then exercising might not be your cup of tea. So, if you have managed to excel at #1, you would probably want to move a bit in your apartment complex or a nearby park. It is a good place to observe and meet people.
If morning is not your time, evening is also a great time to start. Just start instead of sitting cooped up in your house or office. Confess, you do not work all the time you spend in there! Go out for 30 minutes or start with 15. Leave your mobiles and iPods. Meet people and make new friends.
Socializing is proven to make your health better. It keeps you fit mentally and physically. You are less likely to go into depression. And, it gives you a much needed break from stressful routines, whether you are running home or working late at nights.
#3. Eat Healthy
You knew this was going to come, right? How do you feel when you eat home cooked meals at your parent’s place? Great and stress-free, right? But, making them on your own is a near-to-impossible task. It is way better to order on an app, things are that easy today!
Cooking is a habit or a chore, depending on how you look at it. Making it a habit is not really easy. It is just as difficult as getting used to exercising. And, an excuse of I do not know how to cook is just not enough. Start with taking small steps in the direction.
Your best bet is to learn making one-pot meals and breakfast which take the least time and effort. Soups, salads, sandwiches are all interesting and easy to make. Planning for an entire week before hand so that you have something on hand when you are lazy or tired is a good option. If you have a family and do not want to cook, get a cook. It is a better and cheaper option than going out and eating.
#4. Lose the Weight
Okay, if you follow above steps religiously, you are bound to lose some of the flab. And, the rest can be achieved with regular exercise. The important point is motivation. Why do you want to lose weight? Is it self-esteem, a zeal to fit into smaller clothes, look good or just be healthy and active?
Having a strong motivating factor for any change is important. It is only your will power which keeps you in line with the changes you are making in your lifestyle. Keep yourself true to your goals and hopefully there will be no need for the health insurance plan you have paid for.
Nice set of tips. Getting up early is the biggest challenge for me… :p
haha. so true 🙂