Last Updated: 6th May, 2015
I think it has been more than two years since I have written about weight loss and control. Why have I suddenly remembered it? Well, last week, I suffered from a major muscle spasm in my cranial nerve and it was so bad I had to visit a doc and he gave me an injection (ouuuch!).
I hate injections and that is the reason I never donated blood. I wish I had that much courage. Anyways, I digress.
So, while I was at the hospital, I thought I might as well check my weight. Well, I hate to say this but I really wish the machine was faulty. I am too overweight! Time for reality check.
Let me guess, the last time I was feeling healthy was probably during my wedding. Gradually after that I have been putting on without or with my realization. First it was the diet, next it was the stress, then it was the change and then it was neglect. You can think of n number of reasons when it comes to excuses and there is only one answer to it all – determination.
So, I thought why should I not do a round up of all the posts on weight loss I have written on the blog till date. It would be a good exercise for me to refresh my memory and provide me with some motivation. So, here we go.
First, we talk about Habits.
Drinking Water
Well, does not excess water cause bloating up? Actually, no!
Take less salt and drinking more water is the mantra to lose all that bloated belly. Water also flushes out the toxins from the body, especially when you take it the first thing right in the morning. So, create a routine where you drink a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. Add lemon for added advantage. It really helps.
Also Read : Everything You Must Know About Bloating
20 Minute Walk
Not big on exercise? Me too, either. I am so lazy that a walk itself is a huge deal for me. But, then, inactivity is not appreciable either so we choose the easiest – Walking – also for the reason that you can NOT avoid it.
Generally, it should be a brisk walk if you are intent on losing weight but what we are aiming at is creating a routine which does not over-burn you. So, start slow and go steady and then you can increase your speed whenever you feel comfortable. In fact, it is also advised that you should vary your pace while walking instead of maintaining the same speed. It works under the same logic like you should keep changing your exercises in about two months so as to make sure your body does not get used to it.
Sleep Well and Wakeup Early
Well, I have to say sleeping is the answer to all our problems. But, the lifestyles these days are making things so difficult. In fact, even though I am not working, my routine is highly dependant on Mr. P. And, whenever he has to work in the late-night shifts, it is so difficult for both of us to maintain a proper schedule. Also, I may add, sleeping late into the day does not really help the body. Our bodies are meant to work in the day time and sleep in the night. When this rhythm gets disturbed, it makes the body weaker.
Waking up early always makes you take advantage of all the extra time in the day and have a lot of me-time when you can plan out your day properly and do things which you usually can not fit into your day.
Deep Breathing
Have you ever taken a deep breath and felt instantly better? Instead of breathing from the chest, breathe from your belly. Not only it increases the oxygen supply in the body but also relaxes you and relieves your stress.
Body Posture
#DidYouKnow that for proper deep breathing, you also have to maintain a proper posture. Having a great posture does bucket-loads to your personality. First, it makes you look slimmer instantly, improves the way your carry yourself and makes you confident. It improves your body image and keeps your spine healthy. Do not slouch, pull your shoulders back in line with your neck and sit straight but not erect.
Take the Stairs
Well, this is the surest way to get you some exercise. Stop being lazy and at least climb down the stairs if you feel lazy to do the other way round. And, yes, go slow on the stairs and do not hurt your knees.
Try out the following test to find out if you are healthy enough and share the results in the comments below 🙂
Now, to more specific Eating Habits!
Eating Slowly
Well, the optimum time for which you should eat your food is 20 minutes. The brain does not start registering that you have started taking meal the moment you put the first bite in your mouth. Similarly, it takes 20 minutes for the brain to register whether your stomach is full or not. So, you must eat slowly.
Also, I would like to add, at one time, you must eat only till you are 3/4th full.
Chew More to Lose Weight
As I said, you should be at your meal for minimum of 20 minutes. Well, 20 minutes is a lot and you CAN overeat in that much time unless you control your pace. So, you should eat with full concentration and chew more.
Each bite must be chewed for at least 35 times. Practically, I doubt it is possible especially for foods which are not fibrous. But, you get the drift – Chew till it dissolves in your mouth.
The more you chew your food, the more saliva produces and mixes with the food. Saliva has the digestive enzymes which breakdown your food and make the digestion easier. Also, it helps lubricate the oesophagus so that the foods passes easily.
One more thing is that do NOT keep gulping down the water with your morsels to swallow the food. It can choke you and it will definitely not ensure nutrition from the food.
Eat Multiple Times
Well, instead of overeating, the same food can be broken down into multiple small meals so as to keep the metabolism going and keeping your body’s fuel full. But, when you are eating so many times, it is easy to go off the track. So, what you can do is plan your meals at the start of the week. And, you can divide these 5-6 meals into 3 snacks and 3 meals.
Control Your Craving for 10 minutes
So, feeling the sweet tooth or may be you are missing the gorging on pizza? All the cravings can be controlled if you wait only for 10 minutes without indulging in it. Once the crucial 10 minutes pass over, you can simply take a bite of the fruit or chocolate or cheese to satisfy yourself. This way you are unlikely to over eat or gorge on your craving and satisfy yourself.
So, these are the few habits I have collated and written about over the time which are simple enough to integrate with our lives and lose weight without much fuss. And, of course, exercise is one of the most important habit which MUST be a part of everyone’s routine. Not only does it control weight but keeps you active and healthy overall.
nice posts…simple steps & you don’t have to worry about your body fat. but nothing substitutes for the daily exercises
oh yes, daily exercises are absolute must but there are many lazy bums like me who need simple ways to get rid of the fat 😀
Hi, Miss swati,
i have read your comments about applying banana on face for removing black spot from face i applied at night before going to bed and rinse with water . i got cold so can you please suggest me some other option rather than banana bec ” i have sinus problem ” …. please i have black spot on my nose and one side of cheek.. thank you so much
i am currently on a weight loss regime too…i wakke up at 6 then i go for a 45 minutes walk…after that i do yoga and pranayam…i cant’t control on the food though 😛 pls update about the foods that we should avoid during weight loss…nice post 🙂
wow, Prayati…that’s awesome!! wish I could too 🙁 but, I can’t get up before 9…oh sure, will do…that’s next on the list 😀
I like your post very much, I am bookmarking this. I have a muffin top and need to get going. I will try the Anuloma-viloma in my daily practice.
hey Coral…thanks a lot 🙂 do talk about the results 🙂 even I need to do it everyday!!
i have few points here to add:
1. EAT EVERY 2-3HRS. it will keep ur metabolism running high
2. dont forget to have loads of bottlegourd (ghiya, kaddu: constipation will be a distant name)
3. enjoy melons as dey r filling n low on calories
4. Avoid white flour or maida intake
It will help lose weight drastically
no 4 was gonna come in the next post….no 1 is already there but not following!!! gosh, gotta start like Prayati 🙂
Y one month 😉 nice post!
Swati, some of the posts are appearing empty except the pic in the post…eg: roghan badam shirin, feeding pomegranates to skin
just wanted to know if it’s only wid me
hey Padmaja…thanks for letting me know…it was the font color issue!!! now fixed so you can check them out 🙂 and, do let me know if there is any glitch 🙂
yes, I have given myself a timeline of one month and I might go on vacation so don’t wanna look fat in snaps 😀
Ok…ok 🙂
Yeah, now the posts are being displayed in full …
U removed the brands from the display ?
are nahi yaar..I created a page on the top…is it visible???
Ya..I have seen the link…but liked on home page
hmmm…I was just checking how it would look 🙂
These are very interesting tips to lose weight. These habits can easily be incorporated in our daily routine. Thanks for sharing those.
I would also like to add some additional tips that aren’t mentioned here. Follow a healthy diet plan, have a good sleep every day, follow regular workouts and drink plenty of water. I hope these are much useful.
can’t see the links all the links redirect to the homepage
hi Kritika. thank you sooooooo much 🙂 I am doing the editing right away! i think something messed up during move from blogger to wordpress. thanks a lot!!
hi Kritika. changes done. all the links are working now! thanks a lot and enjoy the posts 🙂
can’t see any post. all the links redirect to homepage
Getting alll prepped to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Yes eating smaller meals help a lot. And yeah slow chewing too.
Good sleep and good activities are must too.
Really Helpful Tips!! Thanks for sharing
Hi Swati,
Simple yet so informative post.I am also trying my level best to shed some pounds.No luck.:(
From now onwards I am giving importance to posture and chewing.Thank you
Wow Swati that was just awesome. I tried all the tips given by you and now the results are just unbelievable. Everyone is shocked after seeing my new look. Thank you so much for this informative post.
My mom was told by a doctor when she was young that eating smaller meals more often would be better for her. It makes sense if it keeps your metabolism active and doesn’t overload your system with too much food at a time. I’ve been nervous to try it, though, because I don’t want to eat too much on those little meals. I’ll just have to be strict on my portions.
hi Anita, so true!! 🙂
it’s really meaningful tips, I’ll definitely follow all the tips, to reduce my weight.
Hi, Swati,
From my experience, I can say that eating fruits and vegetables is one of the easiest and tasty way to lose weight. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat. Ingredients present in fruits and vegetables are important for successful weight loss. They are high in fiber and also contain lot of vitamins and minerals which are good for your health and beauty also.